[Bug] League match ended early by time, screen went black, console no longer accessible

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Dieben, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Dieben

    Dieben Lizardman Shopkeeper

    Alright I was playing monster hunt and had 45 seconds left on the clock. when an alert appeared prematurely saying I had run out of time. The screen background disappeared and hitting okay just created another notification in the same spot. Attempts to open the console log were met with no response. Was eventually forced to refresh browser as ~5 minutes later Shockwave crashed.
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Either connection issues(of shockwave issues?) or server issues, I suggest the former.
  3. Dieben

    Dieben Lizardman Shopkeeper

    I'm on a high bandwidth connection with full bars. I'm skeptical of connection being an issue.

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