[Bug] Die roll was successfull but damage came in?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by BaZiLLa, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. BaZiLLa

    BaZiLLa Kobold

    King Oakshade unleashes a bombardment of deadly acorns!
    Anrothe blocked with Block.
    Anrothe discarded Block.
    Dircir took 5 Crushing damage.

  2. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    everyone blocks separately
    Pengw1n likes this.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Acorn Bombardment and other burst or aoe spells don't get blocked by a single block. Basically, you only block the damage part of it - the card isn't cancelled, so any other characters in the effected are are still hit.
  4. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    If a character blocks an AoE attack, it cancels the effect only for the character who blocked it. So ya Dircir took the damages but Anrothe who blocked didn't get damaged at all.

    It will be the same for cards like Cone Of Cold, Firestorm or Whirlwind.
  5. BaZiLLa

    BaZiLLa Kobold

    Oh man I was inattentive.
    Yes yes,
    Anrothe discarded Block.
    Dircir took 5 Crushing damage.
    Those are both clerics so I mix em visually sometimes.
    Sorry, you are definitely correct.

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