Cleansing Burst, Cleansing Presence, and Cleansing Ray should probably be Magic Holy rather than Magic Arcane, especially because they now heal. Their purging counterparts are Magic Holy.
I've been meaning to ask but keep forgetting. There are a few cards that don't have synergy with altruism since they don't target chars, adding 3 don't make much diff. Would it be better development wise to push for a new damtype (divine, ethereal, celestial, whatever) for terrains and priests to make way for a possible new trait in future ? Food for thought ?
Is it intentional that the cleansing cards now trigger altruism? A Cleansing Morningstar sure can draw a lot of cards now.
Altruism only triggers for holy cards targeting allies. I haven't tested it, but don't think it would apply to area effect or terrain cards.
Then it would be a card text bug. Altruism: When you play a Holy card targeting an ally other than yourself, draw a card. Keep Unless 4. Cleansing Presence can't be targeted. Replacing targeting with affecting would validate triggering Altruism. Does it also proc Talented Healer?
The altruism proc is thru the heal, not the cleanse. Yes, it procs talented healer which is why I commented about the cleansing boost in my ramblings here.
Huh, I suggested this because I was being pedantic, not because I expected this interaction with Altruism. I guess I should have realized that "target" in Altruism just means "affects", as things like Team Heal or Healing Burst will also proc Altruism.