[bug] Artifacts and traits

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Squidy, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Something I wasn't sure of but that got confirmed as you rescheduled the old leagues.

    If you have an Impetuous Blast in hand as well as a trait that buffs arcane spells like let's say Spark Generator, if you cycle the Impetuous Blast first, it will benefit from the bonus of the Spark Generator eventhough this one isn't attached yet.
    Now when I was testing my TS build, when I had Altruism in hand and an Impetuous Heal, if I cycled the heal first, I couldn't get to try to draw a card thanks to the Altruism in hand.

    This is unfair and of those two cases is bugged. I haven't done any test with Impetuous Slash.
  2. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    Earlier, the game allowed traits processing from in your hand, but most of those effects were taken out. Maybe they missed a couple.

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