Blooming Ground and Terrain attachment duration

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Sir Knight, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Now that Geomancers are smart enough to use Blooming Ground, I've noticed the card did not work as I expected.

    I thought: each new copy of the Terrain would have the same attachment duration as the REMAINING time on the original.

    I see: each new copy of the Terrain gets the INITIAL attachment duration as written on the card.

    This leads to the amusing but odd situation of the original card going back into the deck while the copies last rounds longer (Everlasting Ground). Or the opposite, really, depending on the order of use.

    Which way should it all work?
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Yeah, saw the same on test server but was wai so never brought it up. I have never seen the ai abuse infinite bloom. Figured it was fine, shrugs. Don't mind either way, since a cleanse clears everything... If you look at the overall effect, when the primary terrain spell is over and removed...the ones remaining from bloom remain. So the blooming effect is very apt. However, the suggested rework kinda doesn't give that blooming thingy...if you get my drift.
  3. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    I agree that some clarification would be nice. Unless there's a rules section about copying cards that I'm unaware of I don't think you can definitively say one way or another which way it should work from only looking at the text on the card.

    Instinctively I would expect it to work in the same way Sir Knight expected, i.e. not the way it is working at the moment. It states that it copies the terrain attachment, to me an attachment is both the original card and its remaining duration.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Whenever an attachment is made its duration is set to the original card's duration. So this is intended.
    Forlorn likes this.

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