Big clap for everything!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Multimuerte, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. Multimuerte

    Multimuerte Mushroom Warrior


    Dragon killed? ... Check
    Princess saved? ... Check
    Treasure looted? ... Check
    Gaming anxiety under control? ... Check

    This is it! Cardhuntria is saved! I just finished the campaing mode and I want to say thank you a lot for your great efforts. This game is really amazing, some times annoying and costly (I burnt a bunch of neurons in the process) but it's the first online game I become seropusly addicted. Really.

    Nice background, nice gameplay, nice... everything. A huge clap for all the people who made this possible, really...

    Bearson Onyx, Flaxative and Melzidek like this.
  2. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    Nicely done!
    but your work has only begun, brave adventurer!!!
    you haven't beaten the kobolds with 1hp or killed the dragon with only level 9 characters.
    onwards to the challanges!
  3. Multimuerte

    Multimuerte Mushroom Warrior

    Thank you Bearson, but I said "Gaming anxiety under control" for a reason...

    How you dare to challenge me! I'll teach you a lesson!
    Bearson Onyx likes this.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Wow, in the short time since your other thread? Fine job! You must really have enjoyed yourself.

    It's taking me longer because I'm raising up multiple parties and going back to past adventures. But I will save Cardhuntria one day, oh yes. And then Blue Manchu will extend the campaign into all that open space you see on the world map and my glorious success will be but transitory . . .
  5. Multimuerte

    Multimuerte Mushroom Warrior

    I did it asap because my time was limmited, I will take a rest for a while and then start again. Of course!

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