Beastiary for custom map builders

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by Yth, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Yth

    Yth Orc Soldier

    I ran into a brick wall when attempting to start out making custom maps: it can be very hard to tell which monster to use in which situation, since the custom scenario list does not give any information about HP, deck composition, etc.

    When I asked around, I was informed that the best place to look was here for the info:

    I found this solution dissatisfactory as the wiki loads very slowly for me, and is not easily searchable.

    My solution was to datamine all the entries on that page (well, manual copy+paste) and collate the data into an excel file. The results of my labors can be found attached here, with all data found on the wiki as of 29-Nov-2013. Monster data is split into 2 tabs, 1 for general stats and 1 listing their decks.

    I hope the beastiary will be of use for other map builders.

    Attached Files:

    spacedust, Farbs and Jarmo like this.
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Did you browse the monster reference sheet ?

    I do intend to have deck lists loaded via a tooltip but its not a high priority and bandwidth dependent.
  3. Yth

    Yth Orc Soldier

    Gosh, if I had known that list existed.

    Actually, as I wanted deck listings as well, I guess it wouldn't have saved me much time.

    Having a searchable list of decks available to the monsters helps to see which custom scenario ideas are possible and which are not. For example, I wanted to make a three-legged race, where your team of 2 guys must reach the VP objective by running through an obstacle course. I wanted 2 characters with lots of Violent Spins and Muscle Throughs, but since no such monster exists I can quickly tell that the map I was envisioning is impossible.

    Of course this brings up the other difficult side to custom scenario development: it is currently not possible to change monster stats, which is a pretty big limitation.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Oaks and Ogres get Muscle Through, but not that many. What about using a couple Servants in separate groups to maximize Team Shift and Raise The Alarm?
  5. spacedust

    spacedust Goblin Champion

    A man after my own heart, Yth. Thank you for doing this.
    Flaxative likes this.
  6. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    ok, thanks for the feedback.
  7. Yth

    Yth Orc Soldier

    I ended up trying it with Servants. They only draw 1, have Trip in their deck, and Team Shifts only move your teammates 1. The scenario ended up being less about tactical movement and more about random chance, so it wasn't workable.

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