Battle Warning & Card cancelling for AI?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by BigSmurf, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. BigSmurf

    BigSmurf Kobold

    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Stafford Kitchen,Room=XORR (BigSmurf),RoomID=45000,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=,TriggeringActor=[Null],AffectedActors=,TriggerType=Unknown,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Stafford Kitchen,Room=XORR (BigSmurf),RoomID=45000,Player=Gary,Actor=Scar,Event=Move,Origin=(3, 9),StartFacing=(0, -1),Destination=(3, 9),EndFacing=(0, -1)
    BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=Stafford Kitchen,Room=XORR (BigSmurf),RoomID=45000,Msg=Invalid action: Vicious Thrust, played by Armored Dogs - too few target actors (0/1)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Stafford Kitchen,Room=XORR (BigSmurf),RoomID=45000,Msg=Action: Vicious Thrust is invalid - cancelling
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Stafford Kitchen,Room=XORR (BigSmurf),RoomID=45000,Msg=Vicious Thrust was cancelled.

    The AI cancelled a play. Is this ok? I thought the AI would check possible plays before it starts playing cards ;)
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    It's probably still considered ok to use it as a move for the ai, I guess.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    It's OK if there were no valid targets for the attack.

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