Battle display card bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by ZergShadow, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    Sometimes its a bug.Opened information card appeared on the screen in the middle of the battle and i cant see nothing!how to fix?
  2. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    There are several versions of this bug. It can happen that it stays in the middle of the screen. Or it is in the hand of the player, but way to big. A little bit rarer is, that it is in the players hand and it is way to small. And also it can be in the middle of the screen, but way too small. This last two bugs only happens, if you pause enemy cards, as far as I can tell.

    It will be ok, when the next interaction with the card takes place or the round ends.

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