Hello, I'm new to the game and the forums so I'm not entirely certain if this topic has already been discussed. I find it weird that the armor saves stacks the way they do. Having the same exact armor allows two saves is iffy and an annoying tactic. Rather than have the mechanic of rolling twice and being able to negate 4 damage twice, wouldn't it be better to have it so having two of the exact same card allows one enhanced armor roll. (e.g having two thickened mail = 2 5+ save rolls that negate 4 damage ---> 1 4+ save roll that negates 4 damage or 1 5+ save roll that negates 5 damage.) If we take it a step further, this is applied to all armors, not merely ones with the same name. So all subsequent armor cards in your hand would enhance the most effective one. While we are here, what are the topics regarding facing? I always felt it was clunky we weren't allowed to choose our facing after using walk. Maybe running wouldn't allow choice of facing, after all, going full speed makes it difficult to stop and face the proper direction. But how about allowing facing after walking, a slow easy trot would be pretty easy to turn and face the direction you want.
Setting your facing after each move was in the game originally but was removed after playtesting. You can read the full explanation in this interview: (on page 2, starting near the middle) But here's the essential part: As for the armor issue - well, I don't have problems with the current question but your suggestion doesn't sound bad either.
The stacked armor is annoying when you first run into it (armor 2 twice on golem while your attacks are mostly 2 damage or less). But once you have big value attack cards, the limitation of only being able to save 2 armor cards from one turn to the next really becomes obvious. Stacking armor would only really be worthwhile if you could save up large quantities of armor. If you fight someone with 3 or 4 armor cards, that is 1 or 2 attacks you aren't having to worry about from that enemy. Beat on something else till he has to discard, or just prune your hand and prepare to smack him harder next round.