The "black" card Arcane Feedback doesn't seem to activate on its own. I'm unsure if its activation is supposed to be random, however I was able to discard the card at the end of the round. Client log: (sfs_object) (int) charIndex: 2 (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Versatile Staff (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Orzo's Excellent Wand (utf_string) White Orb (utf_string) Apprentice's Diadem (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Crackling Robes (utf_string) Hidebound Boots (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Burning Spark Novice (sfs_object) (int) charIndex: 3 (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Clumsy Black Mace (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Adept's Healing Mail (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Tough Fencer's Boots (utf_string) Berzerker's Bones (utf_string) Crude Healing Charm (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Novice Piety (utf_string) Name: Sample (int_array) ActiveChars: [1,2,3] CLIENT COMMANDS: com.cardhunter.pcclient::ActionInstructionCommand BATTLE COMMANDS: com.cardhunter.battle.commands::CheckForTraitsCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartScoringPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartDiscardPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::EndTurnCommand CLIENT VERSION: 0.4920