Anyone else see these Facebook ads?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by RentalAnimal, Jun 17, 2014.


Do you think the tablet version should use the name "Card Hunter"

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Dont Care

  1. RentalAnimal

    RentalAnimal Kobold

    I keep getting hit with FB ads for the tablet version of CH. Except they aren't calling it CH. I saw one for "Loot & Legends" and another for "Tabletop Tactics." Just a name testing most likely? I really hate "Tabletop Tactics." I was wondering what everyone else thinks. Should they change the name at all? I know there won't be x-play between desktop and mobile so that's probably why.
  2. Draco

    Draco Kobold

    I just saw an ad for Dungeons & Decks on FB. I like this one, at least better than Tabletop Tactics. I will be interested to see what they pick in the end.

    I think that they should change the name of the game because there is no cross play. It would be very confusing for new players to see the same name and not know why they can't play with their friends that play on the PC version.
  3. CheeseWizard

    CheeseWizard Kobold

    I got one for Dungeons & Cards, which is a bit too literal for my tastes...
  4. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I don't think they should use the same name. It's not the same developers and not the same company.
  5. RentalAnimal

    RentalAnimal Kobold

    @hatchhermit it seems to be the same art and story line, though.
  6. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Dunno. I think adding the platform type could work, like "Cardhunter Tablet" or "Cardhunter Mobile", provided it's still the same game concept adapted for the hardware used. With all the games out there it could be difficult to find a CH variant without some sort of name continuity. Unless it's posted on a CH page, of course.

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