Announcing: Snoozi

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

  2. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    Add a sound file of someone sleeping/snoring when that pops up to make it even better. :)
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    It has some "interesting" audio, which hopefully will alert you when it pops up.
  4. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Cool, have to afk to try this feature out (Hope that this is not counter intuitive :p)
  5. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    This sounds like it would really mess me up when I say "brb" then take a pizza out of the oven, yet otherwise play quickly.
  6. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Try not to cook pizza during a match :)
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I note the naming tradition continues from the homicidal in-game gnomes. Good to see sane gnomes somewhere. Let's hope that this means good things for gameplay, and a minimum of oven-food-related disasters.
    Ben_Lee likes this.
  8. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    If you are going to have pizza coming out of the oven soon, perhaps you shouldn't queue. If you're going to be gone for a significant length of time, it's more reasonable for you to skip a match than for your opponent to have to wait for you.
    PIZZA likes this.
  9. PIZZA

    PIZZA Orc Soldier

    But Pizza and Card Hunter are so good together!
    Megadestructo likes this.
  10. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    I didn't mean take a pizza out *and eat it*, I just meant take a pizza out of the oven to let it cool. It takes 7 minutes to get cool, so what better way to spend those 7 minutes than finishing up a multiplayer game?
  11. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    A gnome that you have make sure stays asleep, with the threat that if he wakes up you instantly lose the game. Are you sure that this gnome is any more sane than the others?

    Should the time run out, an actual gnome piece dropped onto the board which proceeds to run about obliterating the offending player's characters would be pretty fun to watch.
  12. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Assussanni, you make several good points.

    Oh, and I'll drag this quote from the Testing forum since it's about Snoozi:
    I think we've discovered an important and untapped source of revenue for Blue Manchu. Selling sound effect ringtones and alert noises.
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You know what, I actually recall suggesting they'd sell "sound costumes".

    Also, hopefully they add a tutorial explaining Snoozi, and letting us hear it for ourselves so we don't have to get in trouble...

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