ambiguous card description

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by 12magic, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. 12magic

    12magic Kobold

    Am i the only one to think that some card description are really ambiguous?
    mostly about the push/slide/teleport cards
    by exemple gusts of war say : choose up to 2 target
    but you can only target enemy.
    you never know wich push/slide/teleport work on ally without testing it
    A tag should be added so we can know
  2. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I can't think of a push/slide/teleport that doesn't work on an ally. If you are having trouble targeting allies you either need to hold the control key while targeting or change your settings to allow you to target allies with attacks. Are you talking about self targeting?
  3. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    This is not really a problem with the card descriptions as much as it is with the Auto Targeting functionality, which is enabled by default.

    Generally speaking, when selecting an attack card while Auto Targeting is on, the game will automatically assume enemies as potential targets (automatically playing the card if the number of available, valid targets is <= the maximum number of targets for the card). Similarly, the same goes with assist card (say, healing, buffs, etc) only the other way around (allies are automatically assumed as potential targets).

    In reality, you can target any character (ally or foe) when using pretty much any card in the game (a few exceptions exist).

    You can disable Auto Targeting from the options menu.
    Alternatively, when Auto Targeting is on, you can keep the CTRL key down while selecting (i.e. clicking on) the card you want to use, and the game will let you select the target(s) explicitly.

    Some people like going with the second option, as Auto Targeting allows for faster gameplay, while the CTRL key allows you to suppress it when needed.

    EDIT: ninja'd by peonprop xD
    Jarmo and Flaxative like this.
  4. 12magic

    12magic Kobold

    i was sure auto targeting was only for when you have 1 target available so the card can be played faster.
    next time i wont die in lava
    Magic Elves, Robauke and Bandreus like this.
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Thread moved from support.

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