Allowing More PvP Per Day - A Different Look

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by kardnel, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. kardnel

    kardnel Mushroom Warrior

    Right now guys are sitting in line waiting minutes between games. They'd probably like to not have to wait. That is boring and when people are bored they look for something more fun to play.

    I am not playing even though I could provide liquidity to your PvP arena. Why am I not playing? Because I already have 20 PvP victories today and thus am not rewarded for further play.

    So I am getting pissed off that I can't really play more. And other guys are getting pissed off that they are waiting. Who exactly is benefiting from this arbitrary limitation? Could BM please provide one good reason why I shouldn't continue to get items for playing PvP more? Even if there is a reason - although I have thought long and hard and couldn't think of one legitimate good one - does it actually outweigh the downsides?
    Flaxative and Pilgrim Bailey like this.
  2. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Its a issue realy, we can always re-do single player,alot of challenges there, or you can do some games for fun. There is some custom scenarios fun and challeging. Ofc would be better to receive some kinda of reward... maybe in a near future.

    About mp, guess we need wait and see for improvments
  3. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    Note that you still get "standard chests" for playing after 20 wins - you just don't get any more guaranteed rares/epics. It could be argued that after 20 wins each day, if you are playing the game for loot instead of actually playing the game to have fun, then it would be healthier to go do something else. I'd say the most legitimate reason for this limit is that it's very easy for someone who is playing huge amounts each day to get burned out before even a month is over, which means they are unlikely to buy any future club memberships. Maybe you are immune to burnout, but I've played several ccgs that allow for "unlimited loot grind" (mmodoc and kingdoms ccg for example) and it didn't take too long for me to stop playing them entirely, just because I spent so much initial time in them building my cardpool (and refused to pay real money for faster cards). I have a friend who got the purple chest every day for a little while right after release, but eventually the 4-6 hours a day to do that was too large of a commitment and he's hardly playing at all at the moment. Better to enjoy card hunter over a long period rather than worrying about rushing to get all the loot right now in my opinion.
    Bandreus likes this.
  4. Dmar I have to agree with Kardnel here. The devs imposing an arbitrary restriction that only hurts hardcore players is not a great argument to use against 'burning out.' There's nothing to suggest that people who have enough time to play that much are going to burn out. Anecdotal reasoning is usually flawed to the bigger picture. People have played tons of games for years without burning out. MMOs don't restrict players from loot farming after x time logged in. Diablo-esque games don't. The only sensible reason to have a daily limit on loot would be to foster some microtransaction mechanic.
  5. VNSAramaki

    VNSAramaki Mushroom Warrior

    Let's assume that you can finish every match in 10 minutes with a win, which I doubt you can, it's already 3 hours and 20 minutes, without match-making time, and you actually want more ? If it's another epic chest you want, we're talking about another 3 hours and 20 minutes of your life, which sum up to nearly 7 hours a day, and believe me, no one want you to play like that, even the developers. If you only want extra rare, I would suggest doing the extra quest and if you only want extra items, FARM THE SP.
  6. No one is disputing that farming single player nets you extra rares. I farm SP everyday. The point is: players ideally should have the option to continue playing multiplayer and being rewarded for victories, rather than having a hard cap each day. I think getting into the "players should only play x amount of games per day because its unhealthy to play more" mentality is not an appropriate mentality. Players that want to spend time playing videogames each day for a certain number of hours can do so, period. Would you as a developer rather have your players playing your game, or playing another game? There is a section of players who don't enjoy farming single player and would rather play multiplayer and be rewarded for their efforts.
  7. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    I don't know how much time I would spend on the game if I haden't worked 8-12 hours a day (haven't completed a single epic chest since launch - damn it) but I agree with pilgrim bailey - don't judge other people just because their priorities and habits are different, if someone wants to spend every waking moment on the game that's his prerogative.
    regardless, would be interesting to run a survey perhaps to see how many people are actually interested in expanding the cap, I'm sure if enough people show intrest the devs would consider it atleast...
  8. Andrew Talbot

    Andrew Talbot Mushroom Warrior

    I wouldn't mind if MP got to do more than 20 matches with brown chests as the followup wins if the player truly enjoyed MP more than SP. I just want some chest equality in the guaranteed rare/Epic department with SP possibly having random missions that gave out some gold chests and one with a purple. I, for one, don't like going through two dozen brown chests with nothing but garbage to show for it. I figure fair's fair and both sides of the game can enjoy the spoils of both types of treasure acquirement.
  9. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    You do get brown chests after you win 20 matches; you can play as much multiplayer you as like you and still get rewarded. I've played beyond the purple before because I was having fun. And I've gotten epics/legendaries from brown chests before (although extremely rarely). You just don't get those extremely generous gold chests anymore. And yes, since playing actual people takes a long time, farming singleplayer is much more loot efficient after the 20 wins. I don't see a real reason the devs should give even MORE guaranteed stuff to those already hardcore enough to get the purple chest every day. There's no daily limit on loot, just guaranteed loot, which at least I think is reasonable.
  10. Andrew Talbot

    Andrew Talbot Mushroom Warrior

    Are you sure? OP sounded pretty specific when he said there was no further reward. I never felt compelled to play MP enough for the Epic (also never truly had the time when games took so long and could culminate in a loss a healthy percentage of the time.), so I am asking out of genuine curiosity. If you can, then I see no need for the topic if OP just made a mistake.
  11. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Currently, you should be receiving basic chests after the 20th one. Is that not the case?
  12. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    It is the case; I've received basic chests after the 20th win before. I think people just assumed that you don't get any rewards since there are no more chest icons. As for the OP, they have a legitimate point that pvp is really not worth it loot-wise after the 20th win because the loot from the basic chests is comparable to the loot from the replayable non-final levels of the campaign - however generally beating a campaign level is faster than winning a MP match.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  13. kardnel

    kardnel Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah but these are worth very little. The evidence is that most people do not value them remotely enough to continue to playing. What evidence? The daily leader board where a lot of people have exactly 20 wins or maybe one or two more. A few guys appear to have a lot more - but it is almost certainly the case that they are in a new 18 hour cycle. For example, one guy has exactly 40 wins... and now he has stopped.

    This is basically not a real reward at all. I could spend 10 minutes doing a single player module and earn 4 times as many items. A PvP win by comparison will take perhaps 15 minutes. So now you're in a situation where you could be earning 1/6th the reward that the single player guy is making.

    Why would you rather have people playing single player campaigns - and earning items even faster than they could with the bonus PvP rewards anyway - instead of making everyone happy? What is the benefit I'm missing?

    Edit: My daily routine is probably somewhat typical of the other guys that are playing a lot every day like me. I do my 20 PvP wins and then I do a few SP maps - the level 17 ones only since those give me the best chance at the best items. After that I get too bored to continue because after all single player is pretty mindless at this point in the game. So what happens? I log off and get on reddit... and see people talking about other games and I am sitting there wondering why the game I chose to play puts a cap on how much I can play. Other guys have the patience to sit there and grind the rest of the SP maps I suppose - there are plenty enough to do all day basically - but I think that is just bad game play spamming firestorm mindlessly...
  14. VNSAramaki

    VNSAramaki Mushroom Warrior

    The game DO let you play as much as you like, but it DO NOT promote excessive grinding. And did you finish all the extra quests, or at least the no-dead ones ? They guarantee one rare or above upon finish and have a small item pool so it would be more pleasant if you want to find specific items, and can't be played mindlessly :).
    And personally, my playtime spread almost whole day, and I never ever get to play against Gary so I really don't see a lack of player in MP here. Also, getting a 3-5 minutes break between every match is good for you, assuming that you don't play the MP mindlessly.
  15. Guises

    Guises Goblin Champion

    Ah. The first time that I saw this thread I thought that you just weren't allowed to play past twenty (I've never gone past three myself), and I was somewhat sympathetic. This though, sounds like a pretty standard grinding cap. The point is to prevent certain people who have lots and lots of time from amassing huge piles of the best equipment and completely dominating. It's already pretty forgiving in that respect - a guaranteed epic plus some guaranteed rares for the people who can go all the way to twenty wins in a day (a small portion of the player base) is a significant windfall. I consider it a good day when I get one epic.
  16. kardnel

    kardnel Mushroom Warrior

    It doesn't really achieve that for a couple reasons. First off because people can still grind single player to their heart's content. Second because people are still going to get really far ahead over the course of X months.
  17. Guises

    Guises Goblin Champion

    Well your second point is true, over time the gap will widen and widen as a small number of people continue to get those PvP chests. This problem is normally addressed by power creep, although the devs have stated that they're trying to avoid power creep. So I don't know what's going to happen there.

    Your first point though misses that the big rewards from single player are all one time only - grinding after that isn't any different from grinding the PvP chests after twenty. People do that and they will, slowly, acquire more stuff that way, but you can do the same thing in PvP if you like.
  18. kardnel

    kardnel Mushroom Warrior

    Except that people earn prizes about 6 times as fast given how long they take to complete. And that this is probably the best way to get items, even better than the normal PvP ladder.
  19. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    Personally, I would like a larger overhaul of the MP chest system. Right now, only a few players are able to realistically reach the last chest and "rank tanking" is a bit of an issue because of this. Potentially moving to a weekly MP reset with a lot more chests and a legendary chest at the end would help to solve that problem. Obviously I am not a dev and haven't really sat down to think it over, but as it stands, the MP grind right now is not very inclusive.
    Armoek likes this.
  20. Armoek

    Armoek Mushroom Warrior

    I agree with this, I think it is much better to have the grind over a week then over a day. I don't know how many people make it to the epic each day but the time it would take for the average player is something like

    [8(average game time in minutes) X 40(number of games to get to 20 assuming 50% win rate)]/60 = 5.3 hours. This is just not an achieveable goal for most people even on weekends. If people could play for a few hours a night and then get their epic a few days later I think it would be better for many more players. I usually either play my 3 wins or 11 if I feel like playing a lot in a day, the grind to the epic is just too long for me and I play a lot and am ranked highly so have a much better win rate then most people.

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