Age, country, job, favorite build, favorite maps, favorite league. And why if you want.

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by CapnSnuggles, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. CapnSnuggles

    CapnSnuggles Kobold

    40, USA, Writer.

    Trip Human Priest.
    Warriors with blocks and heals. Armour sucks. And cleanses and purges. And then the next one heals the next one.

    I like celestial for ^ these girls. The Nov. maps, the Batford's, I rocked with dwarf priest/war/war like a mother****er.

    Like deck leagues: Wicked Waterways, Deathmarch, the three warrior one, the long distance mage one. Second is QD. Chess, Geomancy, turret/spider are all enter-never play leagues.

    Peace CHosen!
    visak13 and Sir Veza like this.
  2. HisRoyalHygiene

    HisRoyalHygiene Guild Leader

    26, Australia, Concientious objector to work

    I like warriors. They're stupid and simple - as long as they have enough movement and damage it's all good :)
    visak13, Sir Veza and CapnSnuggles like this.
  3. CapnSnuggles

    CapnSnuggles Kobold

    This is the conspicuous part:

    Conscientious objector to work

    I like you dude, want to hang, want to smog copious trees. But computer access and
  4. CapnSnuggles

    CapnSnuggles Kobold

    willful aversion to reciprocal commerce.

  5. Grimmace

    Grimmace Ogre

    My God, its like looking in to a mirror! Don't tell me you live in Melbourne?
  6. HisRoyalHygiene

    HisRoyalHygiene Guild Leader

    Just moved to Brisbane from Sydney, sorry dude... There's no one like me, I am a unique snowflake.
    Snuggles... what? Am I too tired or does your post make no sense?
  7. FrigusMacto

    FrigusMacto Orc Soldier

    Sense makes it does not
    visak13 and Sir Veza like this.
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    True, but I understood it. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe it's a native Texan thing.
    visak13 likes this.
  9. But he's a writer! Obviously, you need better reading comprehension.
    FrigusMacto likes this.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Writers need editors.
  11. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    17, United States, High School

    Favorite deck is my triple human wizards, with my favorite maps being Gladius due to them giving my wizards a nice buffer against warriors.

    Favorite leagues would have to be Quick Draw, because I haven't played any other league in ages due to it being an interesting style of play that doesn't require me to build a deck, which is nice because I am a terrible deckbuilder.
    HisRoyalHygiene and gulo gulo like this.

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