Adventure highlight visual bug (minor)

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Phaselock, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    This is a minor visual bug, never noticed it before. My multiplayer party are composed of char which are actually lvls 16, 16 and 14 in campaign. Naturally, MP ignores these lvls. My active party in campaign has 1 lvl 7 and 2 lvl 6s. This party is on my cp clipboard.

    a) Fresh login
    b) go to mp multiplayer keep, exit back to mp lobby, click campaign.

    All adventures lvl 5 and above are highlighted.

    Repeat b) again.

    Now all adventures lvl 14 and above are highlighted. Repeat (b) as many times as you like, it will show the wrong highlights.
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Okay, it took me awhile to figure out what you meant, but I see it now. The thing is I had no idea what you meant by "highlighting":

    I presume you're looking at the little number in a circle next to each adventure on the campaign map, and "highlighting" means whether that circle is grey or white. Correct?

    If so, and if it's actually supposed to communicate something to us, then yeah it's always had problems. In all my time playing, I could never figure out the pattern of grey and white circles: I was forced to conclude that they were for visual contrast. Now I see they are just broken, likely by swaps between single- and multiplayer parties, as you show.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    So, the shading is supposed to be grey if any of your characters are above the level of the adventure (and therefore will have to have their level reduced for that adventure). It's clearly wrong in the case of having visited the MP keep though.

  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Fixed in next build.

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