So, against my better judgement, I decided to use Advanced Battlefield Training on my warrior with no cards, to see what would happen. I expected some kind of error, but not an immediate defeat =D I'm assuming this would also happen with the normal Battlefield Training. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Msg=The active player is now Melvin BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Msg=Melvin passed. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Msg=The active player is now Jayce stopTimer 0 1036 BATTLE LOG: Player=Jayce,Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Event=PlayAction,Action=Advanced Battlefield Training,Instigator=Ibor the Mighty,Targets=Zelph the Magnificent BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Player=Jayce,Event=FailedSelectCard,Reason=No cards to select from BATTLE WARNING: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Msg=Battle::run failed due to command error. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Msg=Received invalid instruction: forced defeat BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Msg=Jayce was defeated BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Streams,Room=Jayce vs Melvin,RoomID=1795,Event=GameOver I'll grab the Game ID if I can find it. I have a screenshot, but it's just me on the defeat screen, with one star (Melvin has no stars).