Ability to hide chat?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by wtfbrambles, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. wtfbrambles

    wtfbrambles Kobold

    The game is great, but is there any way things could be set up so that 50% of the multiplayer screen doesn't have to be filled by social features?

    25% of the screen is just a scrolling, spamming chat window that some folks may never, ever care to see. The rest of the lower half of the screen is:
    a) a list of players that is barely useful
    b) a list of ongoing games that can't be sorted or usefully referenced except by scrolling manually up and down.

    Is there any way to add a minimize button for the whole chat interface?
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    There isn't much to go where that stuff is, but I agree that a 'hide/show' button would be cool.
  3. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

    if you dont want to interact with any of it then... dont ? what does it matter if you can see it or not ?
  4. Sisquinanamook

    Sisquinanamook Orc Soldier

    I'd like to have the option to minimize the battle log in an adventure on the SP campaign.
    It is not quite the same you asked for, but I think it's a bit related to the topic and I don't think my wish is that much important to open an own thread for it.

    To be true when I first read the subject of this thread I thought you meant the same I do.
    Only on a second glance in your topic I understood you only mean MP.
    Sorry for abusing your topic.
    Flaxative likes this.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I agree with Sisquinanamook's suggestion :)
  6. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Sort of related, actually: wish there were an option to get the PvP lobby chat in singleplayer. Right now I could be playing SP content, but I'm chilling in PvP lobby instead because I enjoy socializing with the playerbase.
    Sisquinanamook likes this.
  7. Sisquinanamook

    Sisquinanamook Orc Soldier

    I agree with Flaxative's suggestion :)

    (only for me it is the other way around: I would gladly partake in the lobby chat but cannot because I enjoy the SP content so much)
    Flaxative likes this.
  8. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Like, minimize the battle blog? Not sure how accessing lobby chat in SP would work though...
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Probably the same way accessing it in MP works? I don't see why it would be completely inaccessible—after all, SP is online, connected to BM's servers...
  10. Yes, I agree. SP and MP both have that same battle log window in top left corner, only difference is that in MP you also have the Lobby Chat tab. Shouldn't be difficult to add the same tab in SP as well.
    Flaxative likes this.

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