A few quality of life suggestions for stores/inventory

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Keys, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Keys

    Keys Kobold

    1. Adding a sell treasure button in stores.
    - Would automatically sell all treasure objects

    Would help quickly clear the users inventory if they have done multiple dungeons in a row without visiting a store. Treasure can be hard to visually identify & currently needs to be moused over to ensure its treasure.

    2. Compare to currently equipped item

    When hovering over an item it currently displays the cards that it gives. At the moment to compare which item is "better" the player must quickly bounce back & forth between cards. An additional pop-up to the left or right showcasing the cards granted by the currently equipped item would help.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    While no sell all treasure - there's a treasure filter you can use to only view that item type.

    Comparing items require you to drag and hold it over the equipped item of the same type - agree that this could work better. Maybe adding a key for comparing on hover as well, functionality is mostly there already so should be doable?

    Hope that mitigates some of the issues, for now!

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