A few noob questions

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Dragonchasers, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Dragonchasers

    Dragonchasers Kobold

    So far I'm loving CardHunter but a few things are tripping me up/confusing me.

    What's the thought behind only being able to do an adventure once/day? I actually ran out of adventures I thought I could handle, but luckily for me I happened to be playing before the reset, so after dinner I was able to re-play a few lower levels one to get some experience to press on.

    Do people find, on weekends or whatever, that they have to stop playing because they've done everything in SP?

    I'm not really interested in MP... is the SP campaign just training for MP or is there enough game there to keep me entertained? So far there is, for sure, but I'm only level 4-5. I guess I'm asking a pretty nebulous question, but I mean is the 'real game' MP or do you think SP is as viable a playstyle?

    I already purchased the Beginner Pack or whatever it's called... I got all enthusiastic and stuff. Aside from the Club which gives me an extra items, I'm not sure what else I bought. LOL Where are the figures that comes with it, and by figures do they just mean avatars? I sorta thought they meant different characters... I'm not complaining, I had enough fun tonight to feel good about the $25 (I've spent far more on off-the-shelf games that I didn't enjoy nearly so much). And I'm not sure what I'd do with Pizza aside from using it to convert go Gold, which always feels like cheating to me.

    Anyone else get hungry playing this game?

    Can't wait to see where the devs take this. It's a really enjoyable game so far, and I love the 'story' behind it. Very funny stuff.
  2. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    We added that restriction to ensure people played a variety of adventures, rather than grinding the same adventure over and over (which would be boring but efficient).

    I haven't found that, but then I only have a couple of hours each weekend to play. Also I mostly play multiplayer now. However, if you do find yourself running out of SP options you can always make your own as custom scenarios!

    One of Jon's goals for Card Hunter, right from the beginning, was to have a substantial and satisfying campaign. I think we've delivered on that, and hope other people feel the same way too.
    Of course, we'll expand it in the future too :D

    The figures are skins for your characters, which you can apply in the Costume Shop. This unlocks a little way into the campaign, or you can access it from the multiplayer menu.
    You also bought all the Treasure Hunts, which are special side-adventures that you will appear as you play through the campaign.

    Yes! Actually, now that you mention it, I think I'll have pizza for dinner tonight.
    Neofalcon and Jayce like this.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    For me, it's only a problem when trying to level up multiple parties.

    The campaign goes to level 17, and you're just about to hit the point where it gets hard, though there's lots of disagreement over where exactly that point is (Lizardmen, Trogs, Stafford, Melvelous, Garnet, Cockroaches).

    I don't like MP either, but 1 or 3 MP victories a day will help your collection a lot, especially since you're a club member. But wait for Gary to give you the free starter deck.

    As Farbs said, figures are skins you apply in the costume shops (you can also select them when hiring chars from the tavern). You need to have a char of the right race/class combo, but you can use them on multiple chars and change them whenever you want. And the Basic Edition gave you all the race/class combos with the opposite gender from the default set.
  4. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    Converting pizza to gold is kind of cheating, and is a very inefficient way to spend your pizza. I'd recommend just saving it in case they release more treasure hunts in the future (or release more items that you want to buy club to get faster in the future). Alternatively you can get more cool looking figurines.
    Neofalcon, Jayce and Pengw1n like this.
  5. Dragonchasers

    Dragonchasers Kobold

    Thanks to everyone who replied! Now I gotta investigate custom scenarios.

    And yeah, I was thinking of starting a second party to play around with, but of course I 'used up' all my low level adventures for the day...that's kind of where I was going with the 'run out of options.' Also based the question on the early, 1-2 battle 'modules' and I already see where later ones take a lot longer to get through, so it probably isn't going to be an issue anyway.

    Again, thanks!
  6. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    I would probably hold off making a second party until you get the right gear after a few days by leveling your main group so you can complete the earlier missions easier to collect more stuff faster.

    You do get some new characters when you get your free starter pack so at least don't buy more from the tavern if you get the right characters from that free pack also.
  7. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    During the beta, I got my main party to around level 9 before deciding that they weren't really the party I wanted to use. So I bought some new characters from the tavern and very quickly overtook where I was up to with my original party. New characters are quite cheap - so if you're a bit interested in trying some different characters I say go right ahead. You'll have earned back that gold after just a few adventures.

    When a player is new to the game, they have to choose their first characters with only a very vague sense of what their strengths and weaknesses are. So I think it's actually a good idea to start a new party once you've played a bit and once you have a better sense of what kinds of characters you like to use.

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