Hi Guys, I just wanted to make a post about my feelings and experences about the game overall. I personally think single player is dead, but I spend 50-75% of my time playing single player due to an ability to play at work and having a wife who gets 'game agro'. The ability to just drop when ever you want from single player is what makes single player playable for me. I can spend 10 min here, 1 min there.... and over a day clear most maps. I personally view single player as my farm team to help get gold for my MP team. In single player im down to about 6 quests to go and all players (27 all classes and races) are lv 20. This leaves me 1 problem. What do i have left to do, well, im going to try to get everyone to lv 21, thats next on my project list but really there is not alot to do and once your both a good player and well geared there is not really a challage left (compared to MP). An idea to make single player better for the longer grind, (I want to be here for a long time and im not planning on leaving as this game overall is great) is make new quests. Each month with the MP map rotation just make new quests for each map. At the moment for the quests there are not many options, (example 1hp, no deaths.....)and most maps have the same 4 quests. Would it not be fun to have random quests, like no gear at all or use only commons or on maps with VP's 'no hurting mobs' so you have to play a tele build and control points. The list of fun quests that could be made is endless. A SP leader board could me made for who managed to get the most SP quests done, prize at the end of each month could be some PIZZA, then the next month completley new quests to try. At the moment when the quests are all done there is nothing challanging left for the experenced player. 1 thing I was also thinking of once you have beaten all the quests on a certian map, would be to see when you run the map normally how many quests you can complete at the same time. (example if you had the quests handy caps, 1 hp, no party deaths and use only warriors) If you could build a team that completed all 4 quests on the 1 run then you get a legendary chest. If you can only do 3 on the 1 run you get an epic ect.... Trying to combine quests would be alot of fun if there was a reward at the end. These changes alone would make SP very interesting and would fix the problem of it always feels like im doing the same thing. Would I rather be playing MP, hell yes, MP is fun I just can't commit to anything much. I have managed to get a stable 1600's rating now being able to get into the 1600's with 3 wiz, 3 priest and 3 war teams but I have a never ending job of wanting to change it up. Some people might view me as arogant when I play for dropping but thats only due to time issues. example I might have 30 min in total to play and i want 3 wins, as soon as I know I have lost I drop and start a new game. Most days I get my 3 wins in less than 30 min. The game does need the ability to resign, When i drop im not trying to tank my elo, its just if i know there is not going to be a chest for me at the end of the game I would rather just leave and start new. I dont drop much as i mantian a 1600 rating but I also drop due to wife agro. (just when you think she is gone, wham the dragon returns). One thing I dont like about MP is the elo. It's great if you are playing the same team over and over, lets you know where you stand. But when you change teams often you never really know how good your teams are. The problem for me is say my warriors are 1650 rated, but I want to play wiz and I think they might only be about 1300 rated. (be able to change keeps the game fun and I dont want to feel punished for doing it) If I play my wiz, ill be based of the 1650 rating and will only play vs the best of you fine folk, while I dont shy away and i want to say 'bring it' my wiz dont feel the same way when they get 'pumped in the butt' over and over till your elo gets back into the 1300's, by that time your sick of loosing and go back to the warriors. When you save a team it should also save that elo, If you then load a different team, example changing from wiz to warriors then it should load your elo for the warriors. A problem I see with this is you could keep making new teams, gear them to hell and farm noobs for fast chests. This would be easy to fix, Only 1 team (save slot) when it wins gets the chests. This lets you try new builds without the fear of loosing your high elo and gives you a 'test' platform. The person playing you is not affected, if they win they get a chest, if you win, you get nothing but the testing experence you wanted. Your test team should also have it's own elo so you know where the team stands. This will go up and down if you win or loose. I do agree elo is perfect for match making but it does not work for testing builds and if you are a competitive player it starts to force you to only playing 1 style of team. My answer to this problem was a second account. I built a second account (spend alot on it) and got it to a similar standard of gear as my main account and I use this other account for testing dif builds. Only problem is I don't the same gear on each so it makes the testing process hard. But I got the spare account into the 1500's with very little gear. This also make the game fun as playing multiplayer without the good gear you are used to forces you to try new things and makes you a better designer. I just want to give a big thanks to the comminity (forgive spelling) as I think its great, most people are helpfull and I enjoy my time playing. Also I am about ready to start looking for a clan if there are any after a new member. I personaly would like a clan with voice comms (just so we could talk about builds ect) Thanks all, Led
This "only 1 active build that can win/lose rating" system wouldn't work because if you are playing with a team that cannot lose elo then your opp shouldn't be able to win elo either. Which means it would be a casual game. You can play casual games anyway. But ofc more quests or some other challanges for SP wouldn't hurt either. Although that's not my cup of tea.
I do agree casual games would be ideal, but CH does not have the player base, CH has a good automatch system and there must be a way to enter a test build into it without 'tanking' your main elo. Your casual team would also have its own seperate elo that goes up and down, the only difference is your not winning a chest.
- ELO is overrated anyway. Easier way to set up casual games would be nice though. - You and your wife may need to work on your relationship. Doesn't sound like it's a particularly compassionate dynamic. - I agree that more random single player stuff would be nice.
+1 Also this double elo system might work but I don't think it would be implemented any time soon (read: ever). Currently the best solution is not to care too much about your elo. If you tank it down with some other build, you can later earn it back with your main build if that test build wasn't too good.
I been a competitive gamer for 20 years, I do spend 2 much time on a game as most of us probally do, the wife just dont have much patience left, thats where card hunter works very very well in single player, the ability to just leave and come back later right where you were. We just need to make single player a challange somehow. At the moment each time I come on I look at the clock, do I have enough time for multiplayer, no, single player repition it is. Eaither way im playing card hunter. With the comment about tanking elo down with another build, I dont have a problem loosing my elo, I just have a problem when i want to playing something thats not top tier and when you elo is in the 1600's you will loose alot of games and it might take a few days before you elo reaches a level with the new team where you can get back to 50/50 win rate. It's not a good way to test if your new idea has any merrit when you never get to vs people with more equal decks. I dont want every time I play to be balls to the wall vs the top people when im not on my top teams. But when I am, bring it.