Introducting - Megadestructo!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

  2. FalconGK81

    FalconGK81 Orc Soldier

    Mouse Guard is awesome! What was their problem with it?
  3. Scyrax

    Scyrax Mushroom Warrior

    I suggest hiding golden tickets in random pizza boxes around the world.
  4. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    I think it was the mice.

    "Please to redeem greasy ticket for beta access."
  5. Scyrax

    Scyrax Mushroom Warrior

    I picture this leading to a premium dungeon where your brave heroes are sent to investigate a quirky pizza factory where reports of children being murdered in increasingly bizzare fashion have been heard.
    There, you encounter master pizza chef Billy Bonka and his diminutive henchmen - the Umpa-Lumpas.

    ... Sorry that got a little off topic. Welcome to the forums! :D
  6. IshidaTsuki

    IshidaTsuki Orc Soldier

    This needs to get a thing. RIght. Now.

  7. FalconGK81

    FalconGK81 Orc Soldier

    So sad! One of the best convention games I ever played in was Mouse Guard. I bought the system just off that one game, although I haven't had a chance to play it at home yet. Did you try showing them the comics? I checked them out from the library, and I think most people dig the whole mouse theme once they've read one of the comics.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  8. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Perhaps I shall do just that!
  9. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    Note : Eric wakes up around 9 AM :D
  10. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Now it's time to refresh everything every 30 seconds!! :D
  11. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    I hope we don't crash the site with all the refreshing...
  12. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    You mean like we did to the actual game login page when they threw like two keys out to the wolves and everybody and their brother tried to register with them for the next hour even though they were gone in a milisecond?
  13. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah... like that.
  14. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    *cough* Relax kids. There's a lot to go through. Also we'd need to wait until Jon and company wake up and get to work before the keys can go out anyway. ;)
  15. bazzaman

    bazzaman Mushroom Warrior

    waiting its so hard to do..............................
  16. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    You let them sleep????
  17. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    We are just over-anxious-thrilled-passionate, dear Mr. Megadestructo ;)

    So i guess we have to wait until around midnight EST or later.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  18. bazzaman

    bazzaman Mushroom Warrior

    hmmmmm 17.00 in the UK now kids in bed by 19.00 wife out at 20.00...........beta key at 21.00.................if visa made nights in priceless.....:D.
  19. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Maybe not! I plan on bugging them as soon as I see them online. I really hope they don't read this.
  20. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Naaaaaaw, of course they won't...

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