If possible, could Oozeball be "fixed" by making it impossible for other characters than the Ooze to stand on the victory square? I'm tired of games where my opponent will just ignore winning and instead just block the square with his other characters. I just played a match where i had 8 minutes left and he had 9, but he kept blocking the square so my options was either play 15+ more minutes trying to get 3 stars, which would probably end with me having 0-2 stars and losing to timeout, or concede and give him a free win because he didn't wanna play the game the way it is intended. Fix Oozeball please!
you can, you know, push him off, and react quickly to anything he does, so that he ends up losing by being out of time.
I've played this game since beta so i know how it works, and i usually win Oozeball if both players are playing fair. But if i meet someone who is just playing the clock and wanna waste half an hour then it's not worth it.
This will sound flagrant, but when you make posts without humility, and demand that a game be fixed jist because you've had a few bad experiences with opponents who choose a completely legitimate -though sneaky- path to victory, don't be surprised when you don't get much back.
I don't see how a player can consistently stall for a timer-win for 8 whole minutes when cards like Violent Spin, Muscle Through and Force Cone can disrupt a large part of the board in one turn, especially when combined with cantrip actions like the Battlefield Tactics and Quick Step. They're not scoring any points and their Oozeball has to be in a bad spot if they resort to stalling rather than scoring points, so can't you just pass until you get the cards you need? I just can't imagine how someone can force a stalemate on the victory square when every card in the league is movement-based.
My limited experience with Oozeball has been that 100% of games end due to someone running out of time. It seems really darn hard to get an oozeball to actually end a round on the victory point. Not sure how to fix this, but I don't think the OP's suggestion would help significantly (and it would probably be strange to code and stranger to try to explain to new players).
Do you think we're lying? Stalling is a huge problem with Oozeball. Here's the very first game I went and recorded as a response to this; notice how it ends. This isn't even an isolated incident; it's how most of my Oozeball matches end. Sure I had much more time left than my opponent at the end, but he wasn't even taking that long to play; the vast majority of his moves took under 10 seconds after the first minute, and I even made some blatant mistakes. It's simply too easy to deny your opponent points by sitting on the victory square with your other characters. Even with all of the movement, it's impossible to argue that it's easier for you to keep your 1 (mostly immobile) character on the square than it is for your opponent to block it when they make that their main goal.