Didn't get Loot Fairy at Crystals of Chronak. Rest of party did. Adventure is NOT exhausted.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by LieutenantCommanderData, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. I reset my game at about 00:05 UTC specifically to unexhaust the adventure and do LF again. I got no LF, and after completing the adventure it doesn't even show as exhausted.
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Can we see a screen shot?
  3. Wouldn't really look unusual. I did the adventure a second time and got LF as normal, for what it's worth.
  4. Xayrn

    Xayrn Hydra

    This happened to me yesterday. Did you reset while in a co-op group that had already 'gone to' the adventure? That's what caused it in my case.
  5. Yes.... That must be it. Thanks, Xayrn.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'll mark this as resolved then? Or possibly needs ingame clarification - it's a very specific case either way.

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