Campaign mission reward replay

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by ZergShadow, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    Regular Adventure play
    All Preliminary Battles: 2 items total, no minimum rarity( My question : never legendary? )
    Final Battle: 4 items, 2 uncommon or better

    Preliminary Battles: 2 items, no minimum
    Final Battle: 4 items, 2 uncommon+ and 2 rare+

    This topic says that quest gives 2 rare+. Its not true now?
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    timeracers likes this.
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    You can get all item rarities from all chests. You can get Legendary items from preliminary chests.

    "No minimum rarity" means that you are only guaranteed to get a common item. It is still possible to get uncommon, rare, epic and legendary items from the same chest. The chance to get a legendary from a preliminary chest is very small, but it is not zero. I have gotten many legendary items from preliminary chests.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  4. Fry

    Fry Ogre

    "Quests are some of the hardest challenges in the game, but they haven’t been super rewarding. From now on, completing a quest will give you a reward identical to what you get from completing a typical adventure with the loot fairy present – that is, 2 rare or better items and 2 uncommon or better items."

    Does that mean you get the larger 6-item chest for doing Quests in co-op?
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    No, that's not what that means. That blog post predates co-op and the Fairy co-op bonus is specifically Fairy-only...
  6. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    And Bandit-only.
  7. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

  8. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Typically farming means to play something over and over in order to get its rewards. You can't farm quests by the typical definition. You can do them once playing alone and it appears you can do them a second time playing co-op. But that's it. You can try to complete them all. There are quite a few. But that doesn't count as farming.

    As for if it is hard, some are hard and some aren't. I don't usually do the reduced level or 1HP quests as I don't have the patience or gold to play RNG with my initial draw.
  9. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    I can always fins player to play quest?
    If i entered league death match and dont fight. Will i get prizes 3 chest for last place?all legue have same prizes?
  10. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    So this is now ask anything about Card Hunter thread? :) Yes, 5th place gets 3 gold chests. You get those chests even if you don't play a single league game. Currently all leagues have the same prize structure.
    Flaxative likes this.
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  12. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    Sometimes its a bug.Opened information card appeared on the screen in the middle of the battle and i cant see nothing!how to fix?
    Sometimes i see enemies atack one card opened with it could be?
  13. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    if i buy for 2500 130 chests will i have legendary?:)
  14. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Possible, but unikely.
    Before the rare shop improvements I'd sometimes buy 500 or 1000 chests, and often get no legendary. Bad odds.
    Gold is best used for leagues and shops.
  15. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    Sometimes its a bug.Opened information card appeared on the screen in the middle of the battle and i cant see nothing!how to fix?
    If 2 players didint played any games during league, who will be on 4 and 5 place?
  16. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    This happened to me long ago, and all I could do was drag the screen and play around it until it cleared. It seems rare, and I don't know a fix.
    Both will be 5th. Anyone who doesn't win a game gets 5th place.
  17. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

    Cards that target board squares instead of characters can still be blocked if they have a direct effect on characters; when these cards are blocked, only the portion of the effect applying to the character will be canceled.
    what this mean?sometimes my fireball cancled by block and dont affect nobody.

    2)when i push league standings i cant find my recent league. How to find it?

    3) any hotkey to change gamespeed fast?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  18. ZergShadow

    ZergShadow Kobold

  19. 1) The rest of the fireball isn't canceled, and can hurt other characters in the blast radius. Same if one target successfully Reflects Missile -- that target is unaffected and the caster is, but other victims will still be affected unless they block, too.
    2) Left, right arrows are available at the bottom of the league standing window.
    3) Not that I've noticed, but haven't looked.

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