Radiation, Handicaps, ..

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Drakkan, Jul 22, 2015.


Do you think radiation/handicaps have brought too much randomness into CH?

  1. Yes

    17 vote(s)
  2. No

    25 vote(s)
  1. Killer Bee

    Killer Bee Orc Soldier

    Careful using Genetic Engineering though. I tried to use it to remove a handicap, but even though it gives you 3 random boosts, there can be duplicates, so I ended up not removing the handicap.
  2. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    Can't tell if that's a bug or a feature :X
  3. Xayrn

    Xayrn Hydra

    Unfortunately, it's a feature.
  4. Beledorf

    Beledorf Kobold

    Whoever has been playing this game for a longer period of time got used of predicting possible outcomes of opponents actions and/or movement to the extent that sometimes there is not many surprises left which can lead to a "boring" match. This is where all those radiations step in. It spices up a match a little bit - which can be a positive thing whether you are the one casting it or receiving it. It does give another challenge to the game itself and as such I believe it was a welcome addition. Randomness or not.

    Because of that I think it should stay, maybe it could only be reworked - by removing invisibility for example, if nothing else.

    ** That goes without mentioning other positive things which were said before - like priest getting a range damage attacks **
    Christofff and doog37 like this.
  5. Radiation bringing randomness seems like it'd be a legitimate concern. "Too much" is obviously subjective and I'd rather leave that to the veterans ... but, well, I had a game where my lobbing a radiation bomb turned my opponent's elven wizard into a walking acid bomb within blast range of his dwarf warrior and human priestess. I sacrificed one elf warrior to kamikaze the wizard, losing the elf in the blast but crippling his warrior and almost killing his priestess in the process. My other elf warrior finished off the priestess.

    Did I mention that this was in the very first round barely on the opponent's side of mid, where he'd done very little yet other than walk/run/dash towards the VP squares? And that I'd also lobbed radiation spray, two tiles having landed near his warrior? So that by the time round 2 started, all he'd have remaining was a single dwarf warrior with 11 hp and almost certainly 2 if not 3 handicaps, to deal with slightly wounded elf warrior and a human priestess?

    OK, that's perhaps not the most brutally lopsided possible start, but it definitely felt like it was a match completely decided by lopsided luck favoring me with good draws (probably against vastly less useful draws; it's not like he purged the festering guts nor used nimbus, force field, pushes or anything else to mitigate the threat) magnified by the sheer power of a Festering Guts detonation -- probably not particularly fun for my opponent, and not something to be proud of on my part since luck pretty much gets all the credit.

    But hey, I've played... well, it looks like a grand total of 15 PvP matches, of which I think 3 were against AIs, so I don't really have experience to compare this with (nor have any of my opponents been rad-happy).
  6. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well I can say 2 things... first if you were able to get to your opponent's elf wiz 1st round then he was not a very good player. Second Festering Guts can go both ways where I have used (against the computer) a character a walking bomb to kill off opponents.
    Additionally elf wizards are a sign of an inexperienced player 95% of the time, there are very specific builds that can make them useful, but generally the mobility is not worth the trade off in HP.
  7. Radiation = Chaos = Fun
    Maniafig, CT5 and Flaxative like this.

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