Lunging Thrust forces you to attack allies.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by imMara, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. imMara

    imMara Mushroom Warrior

    Lunging Thrust if you move to a tile that has no near enemies forces you to attack an ally. Not sure if intended.

    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now imMara
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,imMara,Event,PlayAction,Action,Big Zap
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Sibilant took 5 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,Gary,Event,PlayAction,Action,Run
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,Gary,Actor,Raspy,Event,Move,Origin,(7, 9),StartFacing,(0, -1),Destination,(4, 8),EndFacing,(-1, 0)
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now imMara
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,imMara,Event,PlayAction,Action,Zap
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Sibilant took 4 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,Gary,Event,PlayAction,Action,Predictable Stab
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Ladale took 3 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now imMara
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,imMara,Event,PlayAction,Action,Bungled Bolt
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Sibilant took 3 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Arkand took 1 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,Gary,Event,PlayAction,Action,Run
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,Gary,Actor,Hiss,Event,Move,Origin,(8, 1),StartFacing,(0, 1),Destination,(6, 4),EndFacing,(0, 1)
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now imMara
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,imMara,Actor,Meriar,Event,Move,Origin,(3, 5),StartFacing,(1, 0),Destination,(4, 4),EndFacing,(1, 0)
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player imMara must select targets
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,imMara,Event,PlayAction,Action,Lunging Thrust
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Arkand took 3 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Player,Gary,Event,PlayAction,Action,Predictable Stab
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=Ladale took 5 damage
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lizard Priest,Scenario=Sewer Lizards,Msg=The active player is now imMara
    StaticCardRenderer::checkTextArea Lunging Thrust Thumbnail Title is too wide.
  2. Donnola

    Donnola Mushroom Warrior

    I think every "step" card does that, you can only use it to -move and not attack- as long as you end up in a square where you don't have targets.
    Not sure tho.
  3. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    It's intended. From here:
  4. imMara

    imMara Mushroom Warrior

    Seems out of place and un-natural. Like for example if you play the card, lets say by mistake, you are not only forced to move, but to attack and ally. Weird they made it that way. Ill just have to be more careful then ^^
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

  6. imMara

    imMara Mushroom Warrior

    That's another thing I have beef with... Dont get why you cant cancel move cards.
  7. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    It's complicated but the short answer is because playing a move card can trigger other cards, revealing them to you or your opponent and so we can't allow you to cancel that play.
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    That is already in the game. And it's helpful.
  9. imMara

    imMara Mushroom Warrior

    Well, is weird, but makes sense when you explain it. Still, why not simply have trigger cards take effect when you try to complete the move action instead of when you pick the card? Like for example the "net" effect that reduces movement; you can make it so the squares available to move when you place the cursor on top of the card are blue and the ones denied have an [x] on them or something.
  10. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Let's say you have a card in your hand that triggers on a roll of <x> and reduces your movement when it does. You have to roll the die, which reveals the card, before you select your move destination. Once you've revealed the card, you can't retract that reveal, because your opponent has seen it. Same thing happens if your opponent has a card that affects your movement.
  11. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre



    Once you've committed to the move, you can't take it back without snafu'ing the chain of events.
    Jon likes this.
  12. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yes, exactly.
  13. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    I understand the number of threads regarding move cancellation and the product design. It does not detract from the fact that players looking to pick up this game is going to find 'the reasoning for no move cancellation' non-intuitive. I suppose the way forward would be to strengthen the concept in the tutorial early on. Drill it into the player so he's constantly aware that he can't cancel a move... like a movement tutorial or smthg..

    Hope it helps...
  14. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Or, unfortunately, eliminate exceptions: like touching a chess piece and being expected to play it without "cancellation," make it so you cannot cancel ANY card. Two advantages:

    1). No more confusion, ever, about which things should and should not be "cancellable."
    2). When Blue Manchu adds effects that trigger at the same time (immediately upon play) with types of cards that don't currently have such, they won't have to change anything's "cancellable" status, and there will be no confusion either.

    Note that's "when," not "if." Expansion packs happen.
    Scyrax likes this.
  15. Very much this. As I am lacking a beta access I have to say this from a more general view, but as far as I know you can see the full range of a card just by hovering over it (aka the player can't gain more informations by activating the card). So it's clear for every card, if you choose it, it means you have to use it. As there isn't a time limit activating a card by accident shouldn't happen that often.
  16. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior

    Not being able to cancel a move is odd and unintuitive, but fine. But being forced to attack an ally? That's just needlessly punishing to creative play.
  17. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Unlike cancelling played move cards, this isn't something that is difficult to change without a major game re-design. It's also not something I think strongly about - it just turned out that way as a consequence of the existing rules. I would certainly consider changing it.
  18. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior

    Ah. I must have misunderstood the previous quote. Well, then...uh...I think it should be changed. Yeah.
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Attack moves should not become moves in pvp any more then they already are so I'm strongly against making attack moves not force any attack possible at the end.
  20. Nutimus

    Nutimus Kobold

    While I understand the design problem with rolling back a move, but forcing players to attack an ally just because they're the only thing in range makes no logical sense. Hitting them if they're in a friendly cone or AE, sure, but not a specific targeted attack. Why would my warrior suddenly spin around and stab my mage in the face unprovoked?

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