Jump back activates, but doesn't work?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Christo824, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Christo824

    Christo824 Kobold

    I had a jump back card in my hand, and i had a lot of clear space behind me. No characters, monsters, or difficult terrain. The goblin used a Simple Strike card, and then my Jump Back activates. The roll was successful, but then my Block card activates, and I failed the roll. After that, I had taken the full damage, and I didn't move anywhere from my last space. Need to know if this was a bug.
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Was the jump back roll successful? If so then this is a bug, and you should have included battle log + consule log.
    Christo824 likes this.
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Were you halted by Trip or Roots or some other card that would prevent movement?
    Christo824 and timeracers like this.
  4. Christo824

    Christo824 Kobold

    No, there were no restricted movements, and yes, I succeeded on the jump back roll.

    It was a simple goblin party. I was on the wagon raid level; part 1. There didn't even have any wizards.

    Also, sorry I couldn't include battle log/console log or anything like that. This is my first report ever.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Christofff likes this.
  6. Christo824

    Christo824 Kobold

    Highway robbery part 1.png
    Well, I don't have Microsoft paint on this computer, so I'll kinda give you a mental picture. See the Fighter up in front? My cleric who had this "Jump Back" card was exactly two spaces in front of him, facing the same way, and I had three goblins around me. One of them was in front, another to the front-right, and another to the right. My wizard and cleric were to the right of my fighter's position, my fighter exactly three spaces to the right, and my wizard right behind my fighter. There were two other goblins, but they were still in the back at their starting positions. The goblin who was facing my top-right had attacked me with a "Simple Strike". My "Jump Back" was the first of my cards to activate in response to the attack. I rolled a five, and the "Jump Back" was successful. For some reason, my "Block" card (just block, not unreliable block, or hit the deck) {oh, now I see what you meant with the hit the deck card; it has halt, which forces you not to move} activated after the "Jump Back". I rolled a two on this card, and the "Block" was unsuccessful. Then my character took 3 damage, and hadn't moved from that spot. There were no walls, no roots, no handicaps or buffs placed on either me or the goblin. If you have any other questions, let me know.

    If I can reproduce the bug, I'll do everything that I can in order to provide more information the next time.

    Ah, one last thing I forgot to mention. At the time, I was playing co-op adventures.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2015
  7. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    That sure sounds like a bug. If you are able to reproduce it, a screenshot and a copy of the console log (press F1 twice, copy the text) would really help.
  8. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    @Christo824 it's very hard to judge what really happened w/o the full battle log. If you think you encountered a bug, definitely be sure to paste the whole thing along with your bug report.

    Anyway, a few important considerations regarding Jump Back:
    • Jump Back is not a Block Card. I.e. a successful roll just makes your character move, but does not block the incoming attack.
    • Jump Back still obeys the usual rules for movement. So, if an enemy is standing right next to you and Jump Back is triggered, your character will move back by 1 tile only, rather than one.
    • Since Jump Back is not a block, if after the move your character is still within the attack's range, your character can still be hit by the enemy, regardless the fact Jump Back activated
    Which leads me to wander: are you absolutely sure it wasn't the gob standing to the right of your priest who used the Simple Strike? If that was the case, then this really wasn't a bug.
  9. Christo824

    Christo824 Kobold

    Quite sure, but I'll do the screenshot and the battle log thingy next time. Thanks.

    Also, when you jump out of range of an attack, it should stop, right?
    I had it happen with a magic attack, where I had actually jumped out of range,but I still took damage. I didn't think about it at the time, just trying to reproduce the first bug I posted. If so, I'll try to reproduce both of those situations, and get those screenshots/battle logs.
  10. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter


    If the magic attack was global, jump back won't help. If you jumped back say, from 4 tile to 5 and the magic attack was range 4, you shouldn't get hit. But if the attack were range 5, you'd still get hit. Square counting is impt here but counting squares manually, especially for new players can get a little confusing. The problem with jump back and melee attacks is the sequence of activation, ie, you have to turn to face the attacker, JB has to trigger, then the character actually dodges. If in turning to face the attacker, there is no longer space to dodge behind with...its easy to think JB didn't work as intended. Screenshots before and after work best here, hope it helps.

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