We'll buy you a new tent if it helps. Pools #2 UUREtEE(r) Smoked Nauticorn, Madman's Maul, Trained Toughness
Nah my tent is intact (I think) and though the weather was fine in the day, it was raining in the night and my £150 tent didnt leak! Also, WOW ↓
GL for today co-op LF ! Unfortunately without me, don't have enough pizza to buy the adventure hehehe
Slimes #16: UtRRREtL(E) Smoked Nauticorn, Ozerian's Boots, Savage Tome Mechanical #1: UtURRRtE(E) Command Stone, Spacedragon Warpcloak (first time for me on live server)
TotMM 1) UURR(E) St. Well's Powermace 2) UURR(R) Still very much a learning curve...looking forward to the new adventures being on the Wiki so I can remember my strategy!
Rumored at Riddle of the Gnome Lords. I went ahead and marked it based on that. Edit - cooped - URRREE - Et Talisman Of Grief Sarigo's Rod
THE LOOT FAIRY DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY Ran it once by myself, once co-op. I'm liking Loot Fairy Co-op Only notable item was my first Wenham's Leather Coif