Is it weird that I feel underwhelmed by weapons...

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Juxtapostion, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Juxtapostion

    Juxtapostion Hydra

    I am using Nova Axe. If it were not for violent spin I would not be using any EttSC weapons. I know its early and I might be missing something (like legendary weapons) but I feel that the inconsistency of EttSC weapons makes Bejeweled Shortsword still number one as far as double yellow token weapons go. What am I missing?
  2. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Apparently nothing, as I still face it 3487589495039228968972409560397562 times a day.
  3. boopn

    boopn Kobold

    Yeah, the new expansion really introduces a lot more variability, especially with the way lasers work. Not sure it's conducive to building high level decks that are consistent. Oh well, excited to see where the meta goes from here regardless.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    So there are three ways to make Bejeweled Shortsword less good.

    1. Nerf it. We don't really want to do this, but it's an option if we ever feel the need.
    2. Print strictly better items. This is a fine strategy but the problem with it is that Bejeweled is already so good in the environment at large that making better (majortoken)(majortoken) warrior gear is a scary proposition (warriors are already the easiest to use and possibly best class).
    3. Print interesting alternatives to BS that aren't strictly better but could be better in some situations. This is what we did with a lot of Citadel gear. Berserk Spin is better against invisible mobs than Powerful Hack, for instance. And there are going to be times when you just want Laser Blocks. None of the new gear is as focused as the old standbys because focused gear is inherently warping, but my hope is that some of the new stuff will see some play.
  5. Juxtapostion

    Juxtapostion Hydra

    1. would make me very sad :(
    2. Is basically what I originally expected
    3. Is great and I think I understand and agree with the reasoning in general.

    The meta has not shaken out yet so I am excited to see where everyone falls on the new items. I think worthwhile armor is the biggest change to the warrior class. Right now though I am not feeling like I got a whole lot of shiny new toys. (I feel like wizards got all the shiny new toys)
  6. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Then you haven't been paying attention to priests.
  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Nobody expects the Rad-itis Insertition!
    Mr. Magnifico and Sir Veza like this.
  8. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    I feel some of the laser attacks are under-curved, like laser strike compared to powerful bludgeon, laser strike averages 10.5(average 3.5 from major) damage with 1/3 of a malfunction while powerful bludgeon gives 11.
    Xayrn and Drakkan like this.
  9. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    I'm also sceptical to new items .. there are lots of things that I would do different (but sure, any new item is welcome).

    1) Priest items .. are kind of unfocused (or I'm missing something.. ).. I've just got Mindless Battlerage, Healing Spirit and Kinder on my warrior from "get 3 random boost card" .. that's not competitive.
    I need a huge reason to run something for Yellow that is not Mass Frenzy, Martyr, inspiring or similar old buffs. This is not one of them.

    2) Major problem is with tokens .. I'm not really sure warrior with 2 major tokens only is that competitive because of old weak weapons with minor tokens..
    Boots - there must be a really good reason to run boots with major on warrior (I mean Cybernetic Boots .. why Trip .. but really.. anything but trip on boots.. I guess I should remove that with "get random 3 boost cards" :/).
    Blocks .. there are some good blocks .. but they could have been better .. reason not to run Aegis of the Defender if you're using Major on block? Or Parrying buckler for minor..

    Weapons .. those seem like utility weapons, most would be really good for MAJOR+MINOR .. but for 2 majors .. I'm sceptical.
    Is there a hard hitting warrior weapon in citadel at all?
    Laser step attack is great .. but I must say, it averages 10.5 .. but you need to discount that as you cannot guarantee that dmg.. and as sometimes you get a handicap..

    Sure I might be missing something .. I was just looking at my Citadel items (I have 100% up to epics) .. but that's my first impression

    There are some great items .. but they are really expensive bot not only that, they all come with 1 bad card... and that's really expensive..

    Cons RESUME: randomness, unfocused items, lack of powerful items.

    What do you think?
  10. Xayrn

    Xayrn Hydra

    4. Nerf Elven Maneuvers. This is the real cause of the bejeweled hysteria. If you nerf Bejeweled Shortsword we'll just start to see a lot more Double-edged Swords, and if you nerf those we'll probably see a new wave of Sharp Spetums and eventually Nova Axes. Bejeweled Shortsword is a strong, focused item (I actually wish there were more like it in the expansion), but the actual problem is Elven Maneuvers making strong step-attacks overpowered.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
  11. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Here are comparisons for all laser cards that can be played by players
    +! means it can malfunction
    Mega Laser (10) 9 +! versus Mighty Spark (9) 7 HtB 2 or Obliterating Spark (12) 9 HtB 2 or Sorcerous Blast (6) 6
    Laser Bolt (6) 6 +! versus Sorcerous Blast (6) 6
    Scatter Laser (12) 5 +! up to 3 targets versus Arcing Spark (6) 3 HtB 1 up to 3 targets
    Laser Spray (0) 5 target all in sight, mandatory action versus Flash Of Agony (0) 4 target all in sight
    Spreading Laser (5) 5 +! target a character burst 1 versus Arcane Burst (6) 4 target a space burst 1
    Cooling Laser (13) 9 +! . +2 to cold attacks keep. versus Obliterating Spark (12) 9 HtB 2
    We already seen Laser Strike's comparison
    Flaring Laser (4) 3 If blocked deal 6 instead. no comparison
    Laser Cutdown (3) 5.5 +! if it kills return it to hand, no comparison
    Laser Whip (12) 11.5 +! only in range 2 versus Potent Stab (7) 8 or Impaling Stab (10) 9 Pen
    Laser Thrust (10) 8.5 +! Step 1 Pen versus Penetrating Lunge (4) 4 step 1 Pen or Vicious Thrust (6) 7 step 1

    EDIT: forgot about Hard to Block(HtB for short)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
  12. Killer Bee

    Killer Bee Orc Soldier

    Slice_and_Dice is a good comparison to Bejeweled, having the same number of steps and high total damage (47.5 vs 58). But it also has a penetrating step attack and an unnerving strike. More importantly, the lower token cost means you can add Cushioning Armor (permanent nimbus/toughness, damn) and/or Force Field (temporary nimbus/toughness, may last multiple turns). I'd like to try 2 of these and maybe The_Softener and Startrooper's_Crown.

    Cat'Leth, Starknife, and Nova_Axe are very strong, and may have great synergy with an all out attack build. Does the erratic damage get multiplied by all out attack? If so laser thrust will get much extra value out of countering Cushioning Armor.
  13. Xayrn

    Xayrn Hydra

    I can confirm that it does. You can thank @neoncat for destroying my poor priest in a single blow with that very combo earlier today (after two Flanking Moves, no less; it was truly spectacular).

    EDIT: Looks like I should have been paying more attention to the forums.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    Christofff likes this.
  14. RedPower

    RedPower Kobold

    I think that's part of the problem - the other one being a tokenless elf racial that has 2 traits.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  15. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    Yes those are weapons I like the most, and Slice_and_Dice being on the top (bc of dmg and token cost). Others are fine, but Starknife has only 2 (important) attacks for 2 major tokens, I really dont like that.. it would be great for minor+major though.
  16. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    You got to remember that anything with Laser Block on it is basically bringing damage canceling versions of push the button/trigger. So even something like Laser Halberd has high damage potential.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  17. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    Why drive a Jeep when you own a Pagani Zonda?

    how about Radiation bomb, goo, genetic engineerig, hypnotic beacon, rocket dash, scamper, team!, force field, mimetic armor, accelerate time, laser block and auto the very very least, I sleep easy now knowing that warriors now stand a chance against burrft builds on open maps. Plus, cat'leth and starknife! And space nunchakus!

    My only gripe is I wish there were martial or arcane skills in the set that were laser related..but I guess that would have been op.
  18. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    It's actually pretty simple - basically all the laser/rad attacks are on (majortoken)(majortoken) weapons, and an L18+ skill (in line with the expansion range) would have also cost (majortoken) ... meaning that best case scenario you're paying a gold token for a trait that helps at most 6 of your attacks (in most cases). The decision to not include any skills is an interesting one, of course. We decided to leave them out of this expansion. My hope (not a guarantee!) is to do a mini expansion later on with just a bunch of new skills that expand play options.
  19. Juxtapostion

    Juxtapostion Hydra

    I think this a great idea! I also think, though probably should be its own thread, that to maximize the expansion, and shake things up that the mp character level should scale with the expansions.
  20. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Tokenless items would eventually disappear from MP.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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