MP looking forward

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by bazzaman, Jan 22, 2013.

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  1. bazzaman

    bazzaman Mushroom Warrior

    As I am not yet in the beta I am sorry if some of my questions have already been answered, but here is some of my thoughts.

    MP looks like it could be the part of this game that gives it the reason for players to keep coming back for more and playing for a long time to come. Not inculdeing all the little extras the deves could charge money for eg new skins and customiziation of card charators.

    How is the P V P part of the game going to be pushed forward, will each time zone get its own league table eg EU, USA and Asia?
    As at the moment I am sure there is only one league table and I am sure it will be hard for people in EU to try and keep up with the guys in the USA, as there does not seem to be many people playing the game over here at the moment.

    Will we have chance to fight more than 1 on 1, could we have teams of 2 or more on each side?

    Will MP have set limits on the type of class to bring to the table and level limits as well, as a newbie who rocks up with the basic MP pack could get smashed into the ground by someone who has worked their party up to a high level and have many awesome cards?

    Again sorry if some of these questions/ideas are repeats but am so looking forward to getting a Beta key and start playing this great game:).
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    We're going to do a lot more work on MP. What's there is only very placeholder. Love to hear what you all would want to see there!
  3. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    I like the Victory Square mechanic very much.

    Would be awesome if there would be some 2v2 mechanic in that or maybe a dungeon master mode where one is controlling some monsters while the other is playing his heroes (you could go way overboard with this, think this is great stuff for an expansion though).

    Maybe some VIP mechanic where one has to protect someone while the other must kill him , needs to be 2 rounds though with a switch so both sides get an equal chance.

    Hmm gonna think on that some more, gonna let you know !
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    2v2 mode (separate parties, if they fit on one map), 3v3 (each controlling 1 char). Point based buying like in miniature games if you ever go monster mode, or set up a locked format for tournaments et c. I'd like to see some different victory conditions in general (not only in mp) as per my thread here:
  5. Gabe

    Gabe Kobold

    One feature in pvp i would really love to see is draft. I know this can't be expected anytime soon, but if it made it into the game at some point, that would be awesome. One way a draft could work in cardhunter, is to have e.g. 4 or 8 people sign up and then pass around enough "booster packs" of items, so that everyone gets to alternating pick maybe 40 items. After that everybody gets to choose their team (e.g. three elven mages) and set up their equipment. When all that is done you can either do a tourney mode including a loosers round or everybody vs everybody. I'm sure a lot of people would be willing to spend pizza for that, especially if you get to keep your equipment.
    Farbs, Scyrax, Kaerius and 1 other person like this.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Drafting would be awesome, yes! YES!

    However, there could also be a mode where you don't get to keep your gear - and be free. Paying for random objects MIGHT be something that's to close to buying boosters, which I think is what BM is trying to avoid. I could be wrong.
  7. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    Draftmode sounds awesome ! Though not for money that reminds me too much of conventional booster madness (as Pengw1n said).
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    We've spent quite a bit of time thinking about draft mode and really, really want to do it.
    penda, Donnola, Zalminen and 3 others like this.
  9. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    Hurray !!!
  10. Scyrax

    Scyrax Mushroom Warrior

    You guys are my heroes.
  11. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    I would pay for draft tournaments, as long as it would fall in a time-frame in which I could participate. I would like to see that everyone would be able to keep the items they draft with, that way everyone gets something for the money they put in. Winning or placing in the tournament would then yield additional prizes.

    Yes, but this is something different. They aren't forcing players to purchase boosters to attain new items. This is paying to be a part of a tournament, and you get to keep the items you use as well. This would be offering value to players to want to spend money on the game.
  12. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Honestly if you get to keep the items the difference between that and boosters is slim. Don't get me wrong tho as long as no items are unique to the boosters and you don't see a ridiculous amount of rarity warp because of how boosters and rarity work this is awesome. And i happen to know it is a big part of what keeps pox nora so lucrative.
  13. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    True, there is not much difference. However, they already have starter packs in the store anyway. That is pretty much the same thing as a booster. My main point is that is a way for BM to give some value for people to want to pay for this type of play.

    Depending on how popular those tournaments are, BM might even be able to run both types. Players that have been in the game longer probably wouldn't care if they were able to keep the items drafted. They would likely only be interested in hard-to-find items, or items from a new expansion set. For newer players keeper tournaments would be a good chance to boost their collection and play on a level field, item wise anyway.

    Now that I think about it, Blue Manchu might want to run things past a lawyer first before doing anything like this. With all of the randomness in the game, some states here in the US could classify it as gambling. I remember back when PoxNora was fairly new they made big changes to remove random rolls from to get around such issues. Wouldn't want to see them in hot water over this.
  14. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Pox nora still had random rolls last time i played and as far as i know as long as there is no way what so ever to get money back out the issue of gambling doesn't exist.
  15. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    There used to be a lot more random rolls then there are now. I started playing not long after the first expansion, before Shattered Peaks was even a faction in the game. Long before Octopi was purchased by SOE. At that time every attack you made had a random roll to hit or miss. There have been to major changes to how the game plays since then. Octopi's stated reasoning for the first one was they were looking at running tournaments with prizes, and needed to remove more of the random elements from the game for legal reasons. If you pay money to play a "game of chance" for any kind of prize, it can be considered gambling in several states.
  16. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    The problem with that logic is that if it has any chance in it the law affects it so removing most wouldn't make a difference.
  17. theSovereign

    theSovereign Mushroom Warrior

    Playing the singleplayer adventures in co-op would be really really great too :)
  18. GraysonAC

    GraysonAC Kobold

    Losing in MP and not getting anything for your time spent is pretty frustrating. Would definitely like to see the loser of a match get a single item, or coins. Provides a better user experience and reward loop that encourages folks to stick out the learning curve of MP.
  19. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion


    Also I'm not a fan of drafting, having experienced it in games like Magic the Gathering Online and found it problematic. At least if the draft is done by people having to put up real money to buy the random selection of items/cards that are then used to play the game, and ultimately end up in the players' collections. In such a system you get "draft sharks" and "rare drafters" and a variety of other sorts of behaviour that tends to annoy other players when real money is involved.
  20. BaldwinP

    BaldwinP Kobold

    Drafting or sealed deck formats where you do NOT keep the cards drafted, except for prizes at the end, should keep the cost of entry down (heck, it probably wouldn't need a cost of entry in that case) and also avoid people just entering it to pick up their cards and then not care.

    Realistically it would ONLY be doable once people can actually reconnect to their session of Card Hunter if they get disconnected, which I remember a dev saying was in the works.

    Would be very interested, though.
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