Review my deck please (all human): war, war, cleric

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by romakarol, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. romakarol

    romakarol Kobold

  2. romakarol

    romakarol Kobold

    Hi all! I'm a relatively new player (been playing for about a month ages ago and have just gotten another week in after a long break. My old team was triple dwarf warrior, but recently I have changed to human teams out of racial pride (wow that sounds wrong lol)- Current rating is 1100+.

    I'm happy with the build, but I sometimes also use a zappy wizard instead of a warrior or a cleric. Meet Mr Herandward:

    My aim is to continue improving my items because I have seen some insane pieces on other teams (especially warrior armor). Any Ideas on which ones especially I should look out for? I would love anything that gives frenzy, armour, or pisses off mages. Please recommend any item chanegs and tell me how to get said items (I only have 20 pizza btw). Huge thanks!
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I would avoid enchanted harness and horned plates on the same guy. And just so you know you can pull your build w/o screenshots (though that works):

    RedNebula, romakarol and Pawndawan like this.
  4. SlowComputer

    SlowComputer Kobold

    Hello Romakarol. My XP is not much longer (started in January) but i think i can give you some tips. Forget about the wizard for now (until someday you pick some Fireballs and/or Volcanos, or something really powerful...).
    Your priest with Altruism looks fine for now (maybe a bit more nimbus, or other buffs instead of so many Inspiration).

    Lets focus on the warriors:
    Humans are playable, however we'll have to try something new (cause few humans archive to stand on top for long, until we figure how it can be done).
    So, first tip is more Mobility (much more). Many neglect 'Move cards' but they are needed, being said, don't try to fit 2 armor on your boots! Instead search do more like you did on the second (Zebale), but try to downgrade the token to blue (cause the yellow should be used for better weapons)... Or use tokenless boots :S and you'll draw the good moves from (my favorite) helmet Commanders Cap.

    Using humans, you probably should spend a minor token on the racial skill to use Leadership (or better Sprint, Team)

    The Armor? Perilous Ringmail is the standard.

    Finally the weapons: The daggers you already have... seems great to combined with 2x Bejeweled Shortsword (worth every major token).
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
  5. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Check the three daily shops for common/uncommon items this is the fastest way to build up basic inventory. Bejeweled, Double Edged Sword, are good to look for if you don't already have, see below for more suggestions. Until your renown is at 18 the shops are over priced, don't spend more than 5 on common 25 on uncommon unless you really want something right away. Don't worry about the rare shops initially.

    Unfortunately all of the items with Mass Frenzy are rare or better. Look for anything you have with Mass Frenzy and consider what fits best; the incense you are using is not bad.
    Unholy Wellspring is very strong but it does 2 damage (3 if Mass Frenzy is on your priest) to recipient and only 1 item has more than 1, the axe of dark souls (uncommon) has 2 plus a demonic power, but the has 3 weak/bad cards. I like Blackglass Token, but it takes a yellow token or Pungent Incense, both are uncommon.
    Frenzy Aura is a great card, but it is fragile (no keep armor) and limited only on 1 Dwarf Skill (R) 1 Martial skill (Un) and 2 armors. If you get the chance to get Gauntlets Of The Giant try it out. Cuirass Of Froth is uncommon so should be easy to come by but it leaves you with the Ill Fitting which is a big pain.

    Good tokenless boots are great. I love Mouse Boots but they are Epic, I would only use a token on Team Walk or Violent Spin boots. Stick with 3 move boots unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise. You have Bertha's clogs they are good, but work much better on your priest.

    You need to decide if you want to commit a token to armor or not. Reliable Armor is always good to have, be wary of armors that are 4 or higher rolls are needed. Enchanted Harness plus frenzy armors is a bad combo. The armor you have on your priest is a good one because Martyrs Blessing is a strong card to cast on warriors and is not found on many items, but it works better on armored guys since you want to take the least amount of damage per draw.

    You have 2 good tokenless shields... might be a while till you find better tokenless. Consider a token for a Parrying Buckler the card advantage is meaningful, but you risk dead card against an all wiz team.

    Team Sprint is great but works better on your Priest than on a helmet which means only 1 warrior gets to move. Wild Run is powerful but often the card you need to discard makes it better as a source of retreat than attack.

    For martial/divine skills use items with at least 2 traits (if possible) and defensiveness can backfire on a priest, be cautious.
    Otherwise there is so much to read on these forums already, my advice is to focus on good game play first and tinker with your build less. You are trying to find a balance between mobility, attack and defense when you find it try to leave your build alone.
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
  6. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    Rusty Armor is a dead card, something you never want to draw. Almost nothing that has it as one of the three cards on an item is worth it. Even Shuffle is preferable. Given that, you should go through and replace every item you have with Rusty Armor on it. On your first warrior, consider picking something that will benefit from those Enchanted Harnesses - Barbed Plate is an excellent pick for that.

    I agree with the idea that you need more movement. If you're going to run humans, consider throwing in more team moves on both your human racial abilities and your helmets. Alternately, Elves have a great tokenless racial pick in Cautious Mobility - your first warrior would do pretty well by that, with all those Vicious Thrusts.

    I could probably come up with more things to say, but that's all I got this early in the morning.
  7. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I agree with the second idea that Shuffle is preferable. But Rusty Armor is in fact never a dead card, just always a weak one that should be avoided on all items except maybe Perfect Toughness.

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