[GUILD] Nordheim Squatfolk Union

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Angarrr, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    Ever dreamt of being in a Guild, but felt you'd never match up to their high standards?

    Nordheim Squatfolk Union has VERY LOW STANDARDS.

    We welcome all players - even elves - that strive despite their failings, that play hard and fail heavily, that value winning but recognise the importance of loss.

    Founded by Angarrr, a barely competent dwarf-wrangler, new to the Guild-thing and seeking hearty comrades who are willing to share broken noses and snapped wands.

    Prefer to play a concept, rather than a maths formula? Willing to eat two Pulverising Bludgeons and still fight to the end? Like your character names as much as your Holy Armour?

    Join Nordheim Squatfolk Union to become a better player so that you can eventually desert us for one of the decent Guilds.

    Thank you for your consideration,

  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Uh oh, they stole our schtick.
    ParodyKnaveBob and Angarrr like this.
  3. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    Readers please note: other poor quality Guilds are available, apparently.
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Some of us enjoy starting at the bottom, and staying there.
  5. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    I would like to thank Akinetopsia for their stirling work in compensating for other members' run of disasters.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    The weight of communal responsibility in being a league member has caused me to re-arm my characters in what have - unfortunately - been increasingly loss-causing ways. Or everyone else is getting better...
  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Isn't the point of the guild not having to worry about such matters and just play for the fun and style of it :)?
    ParodyKnaveBob, Sir Veza and Angarrr like this.
  8. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    Well, as long as you don't mind - I'll keep failing, thematically.
    ParodyKnaveBob and Sir Veza like this.
  9. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I'll drink to that and join you in doing so to the best of my ability!
    Angarrr likes this.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I'll go as far as drinking to that.
    Angarrr likes this.
  11. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    We're now up to five members! And I am VERY MUCH THE WORST.
  12. Dwarftastic

    Dwarftastic Kobold

    Hrm, how would you feel about having a Dwarf-obsessed roleplayer/lore-hound, who doesn't even particularly like PvP, within this Union of Squatfolk?
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015
    ParodyKnaveBob and Jarmo like this.
  13. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    Honoured, mainly.
    ParodyKnaveBob, Jarmo and Sir Veza like this.
  14. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    I, uh, hope your guild does well. I'll try and remember to point new people your way!
    ParodyKnaveBob, Sir Veza and Angarrr like this.
  15. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    Your guild set-up is generous and excellent - very appealing!
  16. Gundubar

    Gundubar Kobold

    I would like to join
    Magic Elves likes this.
  17. Angarrr

    Angarrr Kobold

    Excellent. I shall keep an eye our for you in Cardhuntria and INITIATE an INITIATION. Are you Gundubar there, too?
  18. Gundubar

    Gundubar Kobold

    ok I will watch for you
  19. X_Sauron_X

    X_Sauron_X Mushroom Warrior

    Okay - Sign up the Dark Lord as well. I missed a turn on the road to Mordor and somehow ended up here. I play to get the first 2 or 3 Gold Chest in MP most days as well as large slabs of SP. ELO hovers around 1150-1200 so I think I'm suitably bad to join your guild.

    Look forward to joining your guild if you'll have me (I like Elves - they are tasty).
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  20. X_Sauron_X

    X_Sauron_X Mushroom Warrior

    I'm enjoying battling for the honor and glory of the Guild over the last two days. I now have a positive contribution (5pts)..... Hopefully I won't get kicked out for being ever so slightly successful....

    I also note that our illustrious principal is ensuring no one gets left behind by remaining at the rear to ensure everybody is safe and together.

    Good work Angarr!


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