sub class

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by 12magic, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. 12magic

    12magic Kobold

    first of all i really love this game and i cant wait what idea the devs will have to add stuff to the game
    I am also and indie game developer. I am working on a rogue-like game for mobile and kongregate using unity.

    adding new classes would not be a good idea, to many classes will make it to hard to gather equipment for each of them.
    adding races would be useless. The only difference between them are HP, race skill and basic movement card. The 3 we currently have are well balanced.

    So, what huge update could have a good impact on gameplay?

    Sub classes. 3 sub class for each class we currently have

    What differences will he have from the normal class?
    he will have 1 or 2 equipment slot changed to allow the use of new cards

    by example, a necromancer would be a sub class of the sorcerer and 2 of his arcane item will change to death orb or whatever their name could be.
    These death orb will have unique cards related to the sub classes. Each sub classes will allow a set of 6 card related to it.

    here are some of my idea

    Warrior – subclasses allow 1 weapon for the sub class
    -Ranger – Bow slot, long range attack card and some new move card
    -Knight – Spear slot, unique spear attack with a range of 3 and some with weak armor keep,
    -Berserker – whatever the slot name, strong weapon but cost life to use and or add damage when you get some damage

    Mage – sub class allow 2 arcane item for the sub class
    -Necromancer – death orb, monster invocation and some life steal
    -Geomancer – talisman, better tile control cards, maybe some new terrain like swamp
    -Warlock – tattoo, strong close range magic, poison

    Priest – sub class allow 2 divine item for the sub class
    -Paladin – divine protection, strong armor mixed with heals
    -Cleric – divine rings, strong damaging attack but weak heals
    -Vampire – blood necklace, self healing magic and some vampire stuff like shooting bats and bite attack, poisons

    I hope you loved it. Changing only 6 cards may prevent to unbalance to much the game while also allowing much in-depth and endgame playability.

    Is it me or i have never seen any poison card available to player?
    UiA likes this.
  2. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    There are no poison cards available to players (there was Bad Medicine but it was removed). There are files for rogues with poison but that's different.

    Having sub classes might work, but might also overly convolute the game. Having a "bow slow" with bow items that only 1 in 9 sub-class characters can use means getting a bow item drop feels extremely underwhelming if you don't use it. Right now at least there is some cross over with stuff, but having it that diverse would make it worse.

    I think you can have something similar to "sub-classes" by simply having more specific class based items. Talented Healer * 3 already functions as basically a "vampire" subclass in a sense (although can be used for other things, it is usually rarely seen).

    Either way, I think current dev time is more importantly focused on co-op, another traditional expansion (rounding out the classes more instead of having priests counter priests and mages counter mages), and a Steam release for more players.
  3. 12magic

    12magic Kobold

    this is always hard to add new balanced feature to keep the old player.
    the game is still new and you clearly have a lot to do.

    What i love the most is the freemium strategy your game have.
    People dont pay for this game because the game make them think they must by using some psychological addicting strategy but because you feel the game deserve it.
    these day it is quantity over quality, tons of crappy copy from chinese/korean company or zynga. Game who were voluntary made totaly unfair for free player with tons of way to get people addict with their game.
    Games like the king of tower are the worst of them.

    i hope there would be more games like this one.
    but dont be like balistic, it was a good quality freemium game until they updated it. it is now 90% pay to win

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