Robber in a hurry today. Didn't have time to record the rares, but pulled a Staff Of The Misanthrope on the second run
Grats on your first of many finds! Lair of the Trog Wizard (lvl 3) UREE(R) Sparking Shell, Atlatl Of Zuma
Highway #2: 4 U boots, 2 U robes, 3 R heavy armor, 4 R divine weapon, (1 R treasure) Lair #1: 3 U weapon, 4 R weapon, 3 R staff, 4 E divine weapon, (2 R arcane item) Club Of Wrath
Thanks to today's Lootyfinder at Chrystles of Cronack [sp?]...both he and the Bandit were in a good mood for me today. UUtEtL(R) Hawlic's Handy Axe
Lair #2: 3 U martial skill, 3 U divine skill, 3 R staff, 3 R robes, (6 R shield) Crystals #1: 9 U helmet, 8 R robes, 9 R treasure, 9 L arcane item, (9 R divine item) Boxton's Red Pendant
Crystals #2: 8 U arcane skill, 9 U martial skill, 8 R robes, 9 R divine item, (9 R arcane skill) Garnet #1: 10 R arcane item, 9 R treasure, 9 R martial skill, 8 R weapon, 9 R arcane skill, (8 E elf skill) (Apprentice Insight)