Found him for the third day in a row! Black Plume Mountain Finals #2: 8 U arcane item, 5 U treasure, 9 R staff, 7 R divine item, (9 R arcane item) Plume #1: 17 U divine armor, 17 U treasure, 18 R divine skill, 18 R arcane item, (18 R arcane item) Now I have to fix my build so the first battle doesn't take 35 rounds again....
Black Plume Mountain: URRE(R) Nimbus Blade (guess Looty figured that since I'd just finished taking out the dragon with two of them, one more couldn't hurt)
Black Oaken Heart UURE(R) My fourth Staff Of The Fire God (which is one of my favorite icons in the game)
Plume #2: 18 U shield, 18 U divine armor, 18 R weapon, 18 R human skill, (18 R heavy armor) Heart #1: 17 R treasure, 17 R treasure, 18 R divine weapon, 15 E dwarf skill, (18 R staff) Charging Boulder
Heart #2: 18 U weapon, 17 U treasure, 18 R weapon, 17 R treasure, (15 R shield) Melvelous #1: 7 U weapon, 8 U divine armor, 6 R heavy armor, 9 R divine weapon, (9 R staff)
Also, Fairy and Bandit are always at different locations, and move at the same time. Melvelous #2: 9 U divine item, 9 R divine item, 9 R divine weapon, 9 E human skill, (7 R weapon) Defense #1: 5 U treasure, 6 R helmet, 5 R weapon, 6 R divine item, (6 R robes) Apprentice Command