This is not Card Hunter for iOS But it sure seems to be trying hard to emulate it. Anyone have any experience with this?
There's supposed to be a separate version for tablets coming out, but I can't tell from the website if this is the DropForge version or not.
Nop. It's made by "Playtap Games". It's also nowhere near as pretty as CH (sorry ^_^). Looks like it's all random dungeons, too.
Looks fun, and it's only two bucks. Anyone try it yet? Wonder if they'll release new content more frequently than CH.
Not only that but the flavor text is goofy. "The power of the word. Truly mightier than the band-aid." or "Time and this card heals all wounds." "Electricity and monsters do not mix." They have a strange self-awareness while breaking the 4th wall. And what DOES electricity mix with?