Btw anyone know a very noob friendly some sort of D&D tabletop game. I gonna try to get my gf hooked on it!
Whoops, no replies on this? I don't know what the "friendliest" game would be, but I've heard it said that Over the Edge is one of the fastest to get going. It might not be the best introduction to roleplaying in general, though, because it is so loose with game mechanics. I'd say that Dungeons & Dragons is a good place to start, especially the earlier versions. A few statistics that only require dice to prepare, and not too many massive lists of "Virtues" and "Flaws" that you have to meticulously craft before you're ready to play. Also, it has the gelatinous cube. I'm serious. Understanding where the gaming world got so many of its clichés is itself worth it.
Hehe thanks sir knight i definatly gonna look it up! I tried with some strategy TCG called eye of judgement from the ps3( on ur tv u see your cards and monster will pop out of the cards by using a ps3 camera) Unfortunatly she like something more adventurous.
I have really enjoyed tile based games like Carcassonne and Catan. Played Magic soon after it came out and several years afterward but couldn't keep up the with costs involved to stay competitive. Have currently really enjoyed the new Battleship Galaxies board game as well as the Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon pseudo D&D games. Also like Small World and Pirates Cove and Tannhauser and Talisman. And like Hopibear I really liked the Eye of Judgement game on the PS3 but it was a pain to get the camera to read the cards correctly at my place so that didn't last too long.
Finally back home from our week and a half long trip visiting our folks. Managed to get in a handful of Castle Ravenloft games, it really does get more fun the more people you get. Been looking to pick up the Wrath of Ashardalon, how did it compare to CR Kvothe_Rocks? I'm assuming it's a reskin, but any nice little changes or additions?
Past CCGs include Ani-Mayhem, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, and Magi Nation Duel. Like many of you, I no longer play CCG's because of the up-front and continued investment. I do occasionally play sealed drafts or games that have CCG-like elements such as Dominion. My current board games list includes Smallworld* (including expansions and the new Underworld set), Battleship Galaxies, and 7 Wonders*. Some oldies but goodies that you may have heard of: Robo Rally*, Formula Dé, Galaxy Trucker*, Twilight Imperium, Agricola, Treble, and Scrabble. The games that strike my fancy really have to have solid mechanics where decisions made have good and bad outcomes. Throwing in a little luck can enhance the user experience by creating interesting twists and turns but I don't like rolling dice for the sake of just rolling dice (though I do have a soft spot for d10's). Above I have added a little * for games that I think are required reading and I am curious what other people thought of them as well.
Master of Orion on a tabletop. Not in your "required reading" list, but I've wanted to play way more of that game than I actually got to. Key features for me: map that is malleable, like Space Hulk (and, in it's own way, HeroQuest); rules that are malleable, thanks to tech advancement. It appeals to the world-builder in me. I'm sorry, but they shall never top the glory of d12's.
Haha! This is true. By their very nature they will always have 2 points greater than d10's... but after rolling my way through a friend's d12 homebrew system, I'll stick with easier math This is also true, but each decision reflects which die you can use at any given time and sometimes the choice is a good choice with a bad outcome (hence a love for little luck and little twists). Forgive me if I misled you but I do like dice and the act of rolling them. What I do not like are games that have loose mechanics. Triple threat: if anyone got the Black dynamite reference above, rock!
The deadliest dice is a d4. Try stepping on one with bare feet, they're like caltrops for the unwary gamer!
Currently play Magic (Tempered Steeeeeel!), but I had a bad habit of moving from card game to card game. Played the Pokemon TCG from launch till Yu-Gi-Oh! came out, then played that till the Naruto CCG came out. Stopped everything when I moved to Germany in summer of '07. Started collecting Magic about May '10 (after playing "Duels"), started actually playing with others during Scars. I don't currently play any tabletop games, although D&D has piqued my interest. There's nowhere to play around where I live, though.
Alllllright, here's a question that could lead to the most horrifying flame war this forum has seen: is this the correct orientation of the numbers on a pyramidal d4? . . . Or is this?
Picture number one, obviously, everyone that thinks otherwise is a 'pointy-ender' and therefore a heretic!
I don't know if you've figured this out yet, but I'll give it a go... The first thing is what kind of game do you want/do you think she would want? Does she play board games already, so would like something where actions and movement across a board are best? Does she like cinematic combat where she can devise amazing schemes and jump from the floor to a table and to the wall, grabbing a flaming lamp before bursting it over an evil mastermind? Does she want intrigue and elder gods whose very visage will cause a desperate fall to a gyre of insanity? How about politics and backstabbing amidst a vampire court? Or carving a career out on a junkship travelling through space? With RPGs there really is no limit, once you have an idea in your head in the first place. As for my gaming, I'm an all rounder. Board games are the default option, usually games playable in about two hours, with easy setup and friendly competition or argumentative co-operation. Games I've played in the past few weeks include War of Honour (the L5R board game,) Fresco (almost guaranteed Speil Des Jahres winner and my current favourite game,) 7 Wonders, and Red November. When a GM has an idea for a scenario I play RPGs, including Vampire: The Requiem, Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds (a custom game based on Gene Wolf's Book of the Dark Sun,) a D&D Eberron game and Traveller. I haven't played a CCG in years (too expensive) but I've been looking at buying up boxes of cards for out of print games, and it looks like the Star Trek CCG might be a runner for me. (I'm not going near M:TG again.) And in war games, I've just bought Force on Force (a modern military skirmish game.) I plan to get some little plastic army mans and play that in the next few weeks, and if it works out I'll be splashing out on my first proper miniatures and painting them. I also play the occasional computer game, mostly Eve Online recently.
As someone who's never seen that kind of die before, I'd have to say the second looks more correct. I don't even know how to read the top one. Maybe if I held it in my hand and could examine it all around...?
Both are read in the same fashion, that being whatever number is readable from your perspective when it's on the table is the number that you've rolled. On the top one, it's oriented by sides, and on the bottom it's oriented by the corners. As for the original question... I don't think either one is "correct." They both work. Why on Earth does it matter, barring personal preference?
I wish I had time and people to play more games then I already play. Greedy fella I am... One game I never really ceased playing is Magic: The Gathering. Ive been playing it since I was 9! And it as gave me some friendships that last to this day and an "excuse" to get together. When it comes to "casual" table top gaming, I might say Im quite good at Risk. On the other side, Im trying to get back at WH40K and DnD 4E. Also, recently played a game of Pirates of the Spanish Main, Zombie Plague and Brikwars. (highly recommend these last three to you guys) What the... hi Oloth!
Haha, hey BF. The internet can be a pretty small place sometimes, eh? As long as I'm here, I may as well contribute to the thread's purpose. I'm a big RPGer. Just about any pencil'n'paper RPG under the sun, I've probably heard of it, if not played it. Mostly Pathfinder, 7th Sea, and Legend of the Five Rings. Aside from that, I play a great deal of Magic: The Gathering when I can find people to play with (just recently got my girlfriend addicted to it, so I'm set for a while). In terms of board games... I don't play them often, but I really enjoy the Game of Thrones board game. Also, need I mention Warhammer? I play both Fantasy (Dwarves) and 40k (Tau).