Finals #2: 8 U arcane skill, 9 R staff, 9 E divine weapon, 10 E staff, (9 R robes) Caverns #1: 1 U treasure, 1 R treasure, 1 R treasure, 2 R boots, (2 R weapon) Cudgel Of Healing Light, Staff Of Pain I think we've discovered who's been stealing the Kobolds' treasures....
Caverns #2: 1 U weapon, 3 R arcane item, 1 R divine item, 3 R shield, (1 R treasure) Lair #1: 3 U divine skill, 1 U staff, 1 R treasure, 3 R arcane item, (1 R divine item)
UREE(R) Mageslayer Mail, Mageslayer Mail An "epically" rare occurrence, although this is much more likely in the low levels as the high-rarity items are few in number in there.
Lair #2: 4 U weapon, 3 R arcane item, 1 R treasure, 1 R treasure, (3 R staff) Defense #1: 7 U divine weapon, 6 U arcane item, 7 R weapon, 6 E weapon, (7 R staff) Keen Baselard
Defence UURR(R) UURR(R) Had a legendary drop in the second brown chest! But it's Beater. Slightly stronger Hefty Stout Club that costs a blue