Is the game stuck? Can't progress because of a bug? Post here please! - INCLUDE LOG-IN NAME

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Megadestructo, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Solusda

    Solusda Kobold

    'ello I'm stuck at the armory after you buy the ax for the free warrior after you fight your first battle. If you could fix it so I could progress or just reset so it would work. Thanks.
    Account Name: Solusda
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I recommend you send in a support request to - should be the quickest way to resolve your issue.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Hi, I took a look at your problem. Please try logging in again and see if it's unstuck now.

    I'm curious about how this went wrong for you. Does this sound correct? You logged in sometime in the past and played past the first tutorial adventure (the Kobold battle), went to the Armory but didn't sell the Amber Shards. Then, recently, you logged back in and went to the shop to sell the shards and buy the axe.

    If so, I think this was a transient problem due to you getting caught between our recent round of fixes to the tutorial system.
  4. accountname: kadmus

    Scenario: Mauve Manticore #3
    Stage: Battle 1

    after completion of this stage i clicked onward and became stuck in a loading screen after logging out and back in campaign is now stuck in the same state of loading-limbo multiplayer works fine though.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sorry! I think I've fixed this. Please check again and let us know.
  6. Thanks a mill Jon everything's working fine now, campaign loads fine and it looks like my adventure will continue.. in the morning, have a great day/night.
    Jon likes this.
  7. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Kobold

    Login: Laughing Man

    I completed the Mauve Manticore #2 Supp. but (probably) no rewards was given after the third fight.

    There was nothing wrong for the first two fights, but after the third fight completes (yeah I won),
    the Post-Battle Description appears, after clicking the OKAY/NEXT button, the next thing I see is the world map. (and not involved in any adventures)

    1. The MM #2 Supp. was considered as unfinished. Refreshing does not help.
    2. I didn't finished the MM#2 yet.
    3. Not sure if I got any rewards, probably not.
    4. I did not lose any of the three fights.
    I haven't played for a few months so I might missed something.
    I would appreciate for any help.
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I looked into this but I can't see anything immediately obvious. Are you able to try replaying the adventure?
  9. jacobs471

    jacobs471 Kobold

    After "White Skull Canyon", there are no new quests for me to go on. I have been told (link) that this is a bug.
    In case you need it:
    I have 3 characters (Dwarf Warrior, Elf Wizard, Human Priest)
    I have done 4 quests (Raid on Ommet, Kobold Encampment, Tunnels into Darkness, White Skull Canyon)
    I have started Mulitplayer (IDK if any of this helps)
    I have tried replaying the quest, but nothing changed.
    Thanks in advance! :)
  10. jacobs471

    jacobs471 Kobold

    I don't know if you did anything, but it's working now! Thanks(?)!
  11. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Stuck loading Into the Black Forest. I was at 4th battle when it froze. When I reloaded it would get stuck on loading screen. Tried to resign the campaign but still gets stuck loading when I try to redo it. I can load and complete other modules just fine.
  12. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm looking into this and it seems that the problem was that the game thinks that one of your characters was using an item that they shouldn't have been allowed to (due to talent restrictions). Do you recall any of the following?
    • Did you load an archived party build just before starting this battle?
    • Were you playing a quest?
    • Was your character Grundkazad required to be de-levelled for this adventure (I think the character is level 21)?
    • Have you changed the loadout for this character since this problem occurred?
  13. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I remember loading an archived party. I wasn't playing a quest. My character was deleveled from 21. I haven't changed the loadout for any of my archived parties since. I think it has something to do with loading the archived party. I loaded a different party than the one I started the module with after I lost the final battle.
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, so I think what happened is that the archived party wasn't valid, but the client didn't tell you that. The server objected when you tried to start the battle. Now the battle is dead and it won't let you rejoin. I'll fix this up for you now and then look into trying to stop it happening again. Thanks for reporting!
  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Thanks, those trees aren't going to burn themselves.
  16. qpop

    qpop Kobold

    Hello, I've been trying to get Cliffs of the Wyverns beaten for a few days now. The first time I played it I beat the first mission and then I would get stuck on a loading screen. Refreshing the page and restarting my browser (and PC) had no effect. Leaving the mission, playing a different adventure, and going back in only had the effect of getting me stuck trying to load the first mission now. I have been trying to get this one done before my Club Membership expires (two days left). Can you help me please?

    My username is also qpop.
  17. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sorry, this is the same problem Peonprop saw (above). It should be fixed for good in the next release.

    Until then, I should have fixed your issue - let me know if you're still unable to enter that adventure though.

    I've also credited you a few more days Club membership - apologies for the bug.
  18. qpop

    qpop Kobold

    Works great now, thanks! I'm all loaded into the second battle already. And I really appreciate the membership credit!
  19. dashv520

    dashv520 Orc Soldier

    Login Name: dashv520
    I got the same bug twice for multiple player games.
    I was winning the game but the player left the game room.
    Not a big deal so I waited for the timeout.
    However, when the "Victory" message for Inactivity timeout pop ups,
    the windows just kept loading forever.
    The main issue is I don't get the loot/gold chest that I wanted.
    After long waiting, I refresh the page (chrome) but it just like I had never played the game. (but rating increased ..)
  20. Kennerly

    Kennerly Kobold

    I was fighting Mom when I used the new pulverizing bludgeon on her elf warrior with 6 health. The elf blocked it with Disorienting Block, but the effects of pulverizing bludgeon killed him. Then the game broke. The effects of disorienting block gave mom the ability to move my character, but the program controlling Mom didn't do anything. The clock doesn't seem to count down for Mom, so the game was stuck.

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