I have a few suggestions for the party building screen: 1. Better menu for characters outside of the party. The current system of scrolling through each character sheet is tedious when you have lots of characters (Having 1 of each race/class combo is 27 characters!). It would be be nice to have a selection of small frames with the name, class/level, and possibly figurine (something like the cuthbert's costumes setup?). 2. An "unequip all" button, in order to quickly remove items from the currently selected build. 3. A "remove all characters" button, in order to quickly clear the party for new characters.
Number one would be rather amazing, especially with my habit of buying more than 3 of certain races because I forgot I already did and for quests. Number two is the holy grail that everyone wants! However, ctrl+clicking items works rather well in the meantime. Number three is similar to number two. You can always save a party of one character then delete the character, and I heard there's a console command as well, but a dedicated button would be nice.
Yeah I have a saved party of one character with no items for #2 and #3, but all three of these would be great! My ranking of desire would be 1, 2, 3.