Mauve Manticore #4

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by Magic Elves, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    . . . Oh, thank goodness. It's not a thorough cross-section of the player base, but it's gratifying to know the map worked for somebody (who hadn't seen the map before).

    In regard to the first map: I was expecting the enemy Ornithopters to be a minion group, making them a little less horrifying on the attack. I suppose they need to be this way in order to allow Buzzsaw retaliation against Armor and such.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I'm a player too :)

    @Inkfingers is a cruel, cruel artist.
    Magic Elves likes this.
  3. CT5

    CT5 Guild Leader

    Farbs, tuknir and Flaxative like this.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Whew, I just managed to string 10 spare minutes together to watch you . . . suffer for 10 minutes on my map. I watched the first two maps in snippets, then realized you used all your replays on mine, and went "Ermmmmm . . . maybe I should eat first. And work. And sleep. And eat again too."

    I'm glad you liked it! I'm also SO glad that you spotted the Victory Square in time. I tried to size/arrange the map so that most people would either see it straight out (which is technically true on your screen, and definitely true on higher resolution than my old laptop) or be obliged to see it shortly (because you must pan around to get a tactical understanding of the nearby units).

    An observation: I've only played their version of my map once. By looking at your plays, I think the devs changed the spawn points. You know the leftmost Zombies, the ones that have already escaped their room to pin you down in the hallway? I created five spawn points for four Zombies. Only two were in the hall. That way, there was a good chance that ONLY ONE ZOMBIE would get in your way, making it easier either to kill your immediate attacker or just run down the corridor. In all your plays (plus mine), I've only ever seen two in the hall, suggesting they reduced the spawn points to four.

    That's right, people. You thought my map was hard? The DEVS made it harder!

    . . . Change of topic: this sort of map wouldn't be so foreign ("wait, what, I'm supposed to RUN?") if only there were more variety in the base game. The point behind every map I've ever made is to push for new play styles. I'd love to see basic "cross the map alive" challenges in the game, or the related "escort mission," or whatever else.

    Also, you folks pronounce "Sorcererers" just like "Sorcerers"? Is that the standard?
    Susano-wo and Stexe like this.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Obviously, the second "er" is silent. :p
    BawlingBrawler likes this.
  6. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Naw, it is pronounced Sorcerer-er. At least that's what Flax says.
    Flaxative likes this.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

  8. Susano-wo

    Susano-wo Kobold

    Googled about MM4, and found this thread. At first I was trying to get across the map(the exit square was obvious to me, as well as the adventure description clue), and was getting de-freaking-stroyed every time. So I thought maybe I was doing it wrong, and started trying to cautiously fight the zombies.
    On my final replay, I got down to one turn left. Had a zombie on the victory square, one with 7hp, and exactly 7hp in attack cards between 2 cards. i lunged, hoping for a nonsensical shuffle aaaand...killed. :eek:
    I feel both better, having almost succeeded at "hard mode," but worse, in that I can't get easy mode to work at all. :D
    Definitely an interesting scenario, though! (and more variety in the main gampaign would be awesome!)
    Flaxative and Magic Elves like this.
  9. Susano-wo

    Susano-wo Kobold

    beat it the easy way on my next run through. funny :p (first time, too, which is funny since I lost once on the chess one, the one I think is the easiest :confused:)
    Sir Veza likes this.
  10. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I agree. I thought the chess one was the easiest. I just sit on the VP square until I amass stars and attacks and then go after the pawn. Easy.

    I like the idea of different play styles. Defense of Woodhome is fun since that 3rd map is called Delaying Action and you aren't supposed to kill the crazy armored skeletons. I do now, since I have a larger collection, but at first it was a neat new objective to play.
    Susano-wo, Magic Elves and Flaxative like this.
  11. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Oh, I never called that mode "easy"! I subscribe to the school of game difficulty that says nothing's easy. There's normal, then there's "ouch."

    . . . For the rest, I'm glad that there's interest in more game variety. This may be what we'll see out of the cooperative mode they're developing.
    Susano-wo and Magic Elves like this.
  12. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Note to self: make the next map a hairy pulling one!
    CT5, raffishtenant and Flaxative like this.
  13. One thing that makes the chess map easier than it looks is that the AI isn't particularly interested in moving the rooks and bishops into position to use those nasty blasts (which are really their only attacks worth worrying about, as long as you're careful about the bishop's acid when you've got armor). In the campaign, that doesn't really matter, since the walls themselves are laid out to encourage diagonal sight lines for the bishops and horizontal ones for the rooks. But when they've got total freedom of movement, they just can't seem to figure out what to do with themselves, so you can mostly just camp out on the VS and mock them.
    Jarmo, Susano-wo and hatchhermit like this.
  14. Dang...lethally bad run of luck on ye olde zombie map today. I just lost it six times in a row, after pretty much having it licked. I think either the guardians are handing them Shuffles under the table to get back at me for talking smack about them above, or there's a new Mobility Fairy that only visits zombies. (And maybe only on Mondays?)
  15. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Where there's one fairy, there's more.
    raffishtenant likes this.
  16. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Can I just say I find the first map of MM4 attrocious and I hate it.
    But now reading the compelling stories of the further adventures of MM4 I migh just have to try again instead of muttering under my breath whe my 4 year old asks why that one looks different. No my son doesn't play Cardhunter, but he really enjoys opening the chests for me. Especially the gold and purple ones!
  17. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    well I managed to get super lucky and beat Break-out. But I think it is kind of dumb that doors are effected by the zombie infected bite dot.
  18. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    So fine I finally bothered and beat the evil first board (after 2 more tries) and then breezed through the next 2.
    MM5 I cheated on the first one, I had the right idea but just wasted 1 move again and again and again and again...
  19. Ken

    Ken Kobold

    M.M.#4.1 should have been titled,"No Valid Targets"...this condition has occurred the last three times resulting in my complete decimation within two rounds.Not any fun.What manner of battle is based upon running away while flailing your weapon randomly behind you ,hoping to hit something-unless they are right on your heels in which case they are somehow immune to your attack?A:weak.
    Being outnumbered by forces with stronger weapons and armour usually works except for the abundance of VP to guard.Exasperating.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016

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