Yeah. It definitely needs a little help from Frenzy. But it can be useful during certain adventures with a lot of blocks.
High Mountain Pass Finals #2: 7 U divine weapon, 9 U treasure, 8 R boots, 6 R heavy armor, (9 R divine armor) Mountain #1: 12 U divine item, 13 U treasure, 11 R divine item, 11 R divine weapon, (12 R weapon)
High Mountain Pass 1) UtURL(R) 13 12 12 12 (12) Painful Flashstaff 2) UURE(R) 10 13 12 12 (12) Trained Combustion
Is someone interfering with the tracker? Currently all other adventures are set to "Confirmed Absent" and "High Mountain Pass" is set to "Unknown". Or did someone click the "Unknown" radio button by mistake? I'm setting "High Mountain Pass" back to "Confirmed Present".
@Flaxative, just flagging some trolling on the fairy page. All the modules were marked as confirmed absent shortly before the time of this post.
Time for flax to break out the ban hammer then right? The trolling of the tracker has been pretty frequent as of late it seems (at least according to the MP lobby chat). It seems extreme (impractical even) to only allow certain users to use the trackers. Perhaps users should make an account on the tracker to keep them in check?
Thanks for the heads up. I banned the first troll IP from yesterday, but it seems problems persist. I'm going to think about how best to handle this, but I have some ideas. Won't fix in the next day, but hopefully soon.