Loot Fairy Tracker

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Flaxative, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I reset the tracker just now (42 min after the move) as it didn't seem to be changed from yesterday. Apologies if someone was already working on it, you'll need to set your findings again.
    Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  3. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Why isn't the tracker reseting automatically anyways?
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Because that would require programming work. Instead we throw farmer bodies at it, they are cheap and plentiful.
    wavy and Sir Veza like this.
  5. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Temple of Terror
    wavy, Jarmo and Sir Veza like this.
  6. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Fine, fine... I'll look into 25-hour auto resets. No guarantees.
    Jarmo and wavy like this.
  8. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    No pressure meant by my post above. It was honestly purely in jest (and to inform Feleran of the reality of it). Of course automation would be appreciated, but I think we've been doing fine without it. It's not even overly burdensome to do it by hand one click at a time if necessary.

    Dang it, even the previous paragraph could be read as sarcasm. I guess it's kind of inevitable, this being the Internet. Oh well.
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    No, I trust you to not be a jerk -- don't even worry. I was trying to be a bit funny with my own post. :)
  10. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Relieved to hear it -- and thanks, appreciate it! Likewise!
    Flaxative likes this.
  11. rowspower

    rowspower Goblin Champion


    In regards to Flax's website, if the page didn't auto-refresh every time you clicked a button it would be slightly more tolerable to reset by hand. But as is, it isn't terrible.
  12. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    If it didn't auto-refresh, we'd soon be doing doubled work. It is necessary to always be presented with the latest status after logging one's own contribution. We'd just need to refresh by hand after each click if it didn't (except in the special case of doing a reset by hand). Maybe a special reset state/page for handjobs?

    tee hee
    wavy likes this.
  13. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I don't know how many people have access to the reset but wouldn't it be easier if they just reset it and remark the known location whenever they get the chance?
  14. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The problem is the tracker needs to be reset preferrably immediately when Looty moves so that whoever starts the search can log results with confidence from the first (and the freeloaders can see that no, it hasn't been found yet). It's not useful to reset at any other time and it would have harmful effects.

    The idea is not to have every other location at "Confirmed Absent" and only one at "Confirmed Present". The Idea is to have all checked locations and only them at "Confirmed Absent" and all unchecked ones at "Unknown" (before Looty is found).

    The tracker is useful only during the hunt and it has to be fully at correct states at that time. After Looty is found, it doesn't matter much what the other states are than the one where Looty is.

    This might have been clear to you already, I might have misunderstood what you meant.
  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I meant after we've found the punk someone resets it then marks the known location. Like right now, someone could reset it and mark it at Temple of Terror again.
  16. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Why? That would lose the search history. I find it interesting and illuminating to see which locations were never visited day by day. It reveals hunter preference / resource/result evaluation patterns and other such specialist ephemera. I, for one, oppose such erasure.
  17. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    It would keep people from having to manually reset it. Is someone actually keeping track of which modules are being completed?
  18. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Ah, now I finally get your meaning, sorry about my excruciating slowness of mind. You have a good point. It would prevent that, yes.

    I don't think anyone is keeping track of the search history. Like I said, I just find it interesting to view it after the hunt is done. Probably not enough reason to not do as you suggest.
  19. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Yellow #2: 17 U treasure, 14 U martial skill, 17 R helmet, 17 R boots, (17 R treasure)
    Terror #1: 17 U arcane skill, 16 R shield, 17 R treasure, 16 L heavy armor, (17 R treasure)
    Ozone Plates
  20. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Temple of Terror
    1) UURR(R) 16 14 16 16 (13) rare treasure

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