Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Just one legendary this week , Mazzaram's Mighty Mattock . Seems great for SP where chops are good and is second in obliterating chops only to Bloodchopper . Any opinions or has anyone used it much?
  2. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Use it a bit in SP, but wouldn't pay 2.5k for it though
  3. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I've got 2 Legendary items this week:
    Hawlic's Surging Shield
    Xlaka's Sacred Bundle

    I have much better shields. And the bundle, while nice looking, isn't worth the gold in my mind.

    The epics are uninspiring as well. Another week to increase my treasury. :)
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    OK, Randimar decided to bring the legendaries to me this week. The whopping three items! Evasion, Relic Of St. Darqar and The Perforator. I am so happy... :oops:
    The only decent items here are Helm Of Reinforcement (if I ever decide to build a warrior depending on certain armor, though I already have Nasrum's Moccasins that can be used by any character, not just a warrior) and Sarigo's Rod (my second). The rod is quite good, as its cards do combine well.

    That's all. It could be worse of course... like it was the last week. But will I ever get a chance of buying something really good?
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Really? I would buy that bundle on sight. Just imagine what it can do for a vampire priest. Mass Frenzy is obviously great, right? Triple Heals is performed as instant and heals your char for 4 + 2 for the others. Inspiring Presence is an uber card that's also performed as instant with Talented Healer, and your char gets +7 HP. Even if you give an enemy char +5 HP and a card, you will benefit much more, and the enemy may even have no chance of using that card :) And you get all that just for a blue token.

    Now compare that to my legendaries and be happy with your bundle :)
  6. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Warriors tend to need the movement cards more than the assortment of cards found on helms. I would use Helm Of Reinforcement over over Nasrum's Moccasins unless you wanted specific helm cards like War Cry.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  7. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

    3 legendarys this week

    Boots Of Etzicatl interesting but charge is only useful in very specific situations, and I wouldn't want 3 of them in my deck
    Kelharin's Clogs These look nice for some armor build warrior
    Spear Of St. Qaith Seems very weak for a legendary

    For epics we have

    Hydrogen Staff - nice staff - but is it worth two yellow tokens?
    Magma Scepter - this is a huge upgrade over xipil ring for my FS farming team. For that reason alone it's worth buying, but I'm sure its decent in MP too.
  8. el_minster

    el_minster Kobold

    New Radimars week: :)

    Boots: Ozerian's Boots not bad, but I have no need for 2 Shimmering Aura atm.

    Divine Armor: Blessed Mail seems very solid.
    Heavy Armor: Plates Of Ixicha I'd really like to have it for my dwarf warrior.
    Arcane Item: Vira's Chain Short Perplexing Ray and Stone Spikes PLUS Teleport Self for minor token. Normally, I'd prefere Reflexive Teleport. Seems still great.

    Divine Item: Black Token I had it 2 weeks ago in radimars and decided not to buy it. Now Im unsure. I wonna try boosting Firestorm with Savage Curse (when I have the items for it), but seems to theoretic as I never saw that in game. Someone of you guys does it for sure ;)

    Thanks for answers :)
  9. el_minster

    el_minster Kobold

    buy kelharins clogs if you have the money, they are just great. Team run is the best move card and Officers Harness is always helpful.
  10. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    @MysticQuail, Kelharin's Clogs are quite the upgrade from Corian's Boots or even Argo's Boots. If you are really into Officer's Harness, they are certainly great! Otherwise, see Team Run for several other boots that may suit your characters better. That being said, I would buy the clogs regardless!

    The Spear Of St. Quaith is a garbage weapon, I have 3 :{P

    A note on Boots Of Etzicatl/ Tochtli Boots : Brutal Charge is nasty in SP. When I was running Elves through campaign, Tochtli Boots were a major source of DEATH from all of my characters. It takes a bit of setup, but those boots were very useful!! Putting the boots on a Dwarf is a lot of fun too.

    I would pass on Hydrogen Staff. It costs too much; you can rarely equip it. It has Fire and Sparks, along with 2x Acid Blast. You want mostly fire OR mostly sparks. On a staff you generally want as much direct damage as possible seeing as it is easy to get most terrain/telekinesis cards on arcane items.

    Now Staff Of Blazing Sparks is worth the tokens.
  11. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    (minortoken)Ozerian's boots cost way too much to buy when you could use ( )Vira's Shoes.

    Blessed Mail is nice but I would rather use ( ) Dark Chain Shirt or something like (minortoken) Untouchable Plate or (minortoken) Mail Of Succor.

    Plates of Ixicha already has a lengthy discussion in this thread, just go back a few pages.

    Vira's Chain: It's a versatile item, and when it comes to Arcane Items you can never have too many (unless you have 12)

    Black Token was a staple for my early firestorm farming team. Savage Curse on a wizard with 2 Firestorm could wipe out every Kobold on the map in 2 hits since they can't use their many Weak Block.
    el_minster and Sir Veza like this.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I didn't buy them (got them from a random chest), but I really played them in my Firestorm party, and they were quite good. You may decide yourself whether they are worth 2500 gold for you or not.

    Yes, it's nice, if you really need an armored priest.
    It isn't as good as you might think. The problem is only one Arrogant Armor. If you play buffs, the armor will drop them. If you don't play buffs, only one copy isn't likely to protect you from the enemy debuffs.
    Teleport Self isn't worse than Reflexive (if such different things can be compared at all). It adds "teleport" to every move you play. This may be awesome if you need to escape from the enemy warrior.

    The value of Savage Curse is so high partially due to lack of good items with it, and this token isn't good. You don't need Touch Of Death in a Firestorm/Burst party, and Impenetrable Nimbus protects only one char for one turn. Grey Charm is generally much better, not even talking about the uber-powerful Skull Of The Savage Iljin. I wouldn't buy the token, but 100 gold isn't very much :)
    el_minster likes this.
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I usually use Dark Chain Shirt, but Blessed Mail is good if I have a spare token and don't need a specialized armor. Also, not everyone has Dark Chain Shirt.
    It is great. :)
    I find all 3 cards fairly useful for a tank priest in a fire build. I prefer Unholy Wellspring to Savage Curse, but they're harder to stack. It's nice when either shows up, and can be downright dangerous when you use both on the same mage.
    el_minster likes this.
  14. el_minster

    el_minster Kobold

    You're right, Arrogant Armor has downsides. So far, as I used it (with 1 card) on my priest, I didnt like it. It is still a way to keep your dwarf warrior away from encumber cards, which are very annoying. Yes you can solve this by Purge, but you loose your turn (plus the risk of getting another card attached after the purge).

    For the teleport: Normally your opponent notices your Teleport Self too soon to have a good use of it, as it reveals itself by playing another move card. Yes, its cool to teleport 4 out of range of your enemies when you are surrounded, but teleporting 2 by reflexive (unnoticed) is normally enough, so I prefere this in MP (plus you dont loose your turn). But Teleport Self is a great card, without any doubt.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  15. el_minster

    el_minster Kobold

    Cool, I wanted to hear that :)

    I used Unholy wellspring on a Shadowleaf Maqah which was good but not perfect. It seems to be rarely in combination of other great cards, just bought Demon Charm Of The 7th Circle for another try.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  16. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    You've convinced me enough to take a second look at the bundle before Randimar's resets on Saturday. I'll see how my treasury is doing and go from there.
  17. Alcibiade_2nd

    Alcibiade_2nd Kobold

    I recently changed my Untouchable Plate for a Blessed Mail in all my SP firestorm parties. I also like it more than Dark Chain Shirt. Once you get 2 reliable mail, your priest is pretty much immune to firestorms, and even the heal is not completely useless on a FS farming.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  18. Alcibiade_2nd

    Alcibiade_2nd Kobold

  19. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    It's not. You'd be much better off with any number of other drain weapons.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Drain weapons, yes. But not the drain weapons with Unnerving Strike. The card is quite rare at all, and there are almost no decent divine weapons with it. I guess the vampire priest would rather have some armor-shredding attacks though, but block-removing can also be a game-changer, especially with 8 damage and for just a blue token. I would buy it "just in case".

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