Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

    Only epics this week, but I'm broke after buying Bern's Untouchable Mail last week anyway :)

    Advanced Levitation Seems interesting, certainly very different from any other arcane skills I have access to...
    Blazing Shortsword Great, but I already have one, probabely better things to spend on
    Crown Of Mad Eskin not too impressive, I have Yaro's Scepter and Chartwell's Ring which are both tokenless.
    Healing Hand Mace don't have any team heal items yet, and it looks like a solid item.
    Kerrick's Steel Boots nice armor boots, I dont think I'll be able to scrape enough coin together to buy em though
    Rhood's Boots Great boots, but would be my second pair so unless I find a bunch of legendary treasures I wont be buying
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    My input-
    Nice job on buying Bern's Mail! Grats!

    Advanced Levitation Not very useful for MP, you would be better off in general using EPN and some other staff with good damage. I certainly would not spend money on this skill!
    Blazing Shortsword Great weapon, I won't be satisfied until I have at least 4 of these for SP. 2 is a practical number though!
    Crown Of Mad Eskin I agree with your assessment, if you have tokens and want Hot Spot it's a decent item but not worth 500g for most people!
    Healing Hand Mace Definitely a solid item. Worth having at least one of these if you can afford it! If not, see Glinting Eye Hammer.
    Kerrick's Steel Boots They have their uses, but if you don't need, need, need them RIGHT NOW, don't waste your money.
    Rhood's Boots Good boots, you definitely want access to 2-3 boots with Team Run. If your second dwarf warrior has been waiting for a pair of these, you should pick them up. If you can't fit them into your build you may end up with another pair of these eventually... but can you wait?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
    Bandreus likes this.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Really? I would gladly pay 500 gold for this. The only other source of Arcane Bursts is the legendary Blue Destruction. Arcane Burst is a very strong card, and it penetrates Resistant Hide. Going to be awesome vs storges :)
    If he plays the warriors in SP at all, of course.
    I have 4 of these and play them regularly. It isn't as great as the tokenless double-Firestorm items, but it's one of the best items for a blue token. All 3 cards are great and help farming a lot. Don't think that having two Firestorm items is enough: you have at least 8 arcane item slots in a Firestorm party.
    A must buy if you don't have it yet. The very best weapon for a supporting priest: great healing, awesome attacks. It should be the first in your list.
    As the armored boots, they are worse than Quellic's Boots, but nothing else. So I'd say it's a good buy if you don't have the Quellic's even if you don't need them RIGHT NOW. When you will need them, they may be hard to find.
    The second best boots for a dwarf warrior after the Sliding Boots. If you don't have two Sliding + Rhood's, buy them.

    Congrats on such a good assortment! I would be happy if I had the same :)
  4. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I don't need Kerrick's Steel Boots. I need Vira's Shoes , Xalanen's Boots Corian's Boots or Bertha's Big Clogs.

    Blazing Shortsword is a good tokenless weapon to put on a warrior or two for MP. If you look around the forum you will find some people using them!

    Don't forget about Whorl... but I don't think that having two Arcane Burst is going to make a big difference against Storges. I guess if you are playing Troll King with level 20 characters you might as well pack an extra token skill.... but I would still go with armor removal and Firestorm/Ember Burst/Flashes/ Sparks and maybe Arcane Beam. It's best to kill the suckers outright before they heal themselves.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You just think you don't need them :) Imagine you want to build an elf warrior based on Elven Maneuvers. You want them to damage you, but not to kill you, so you need a good armor. You will want to keep two Reliable Mails, but that forces you to play the armored boots - or maybe Nasrum's Moccasins with some heavy armor.

    It surely is great for a tokenless weapon, I'd use it too! But beware of Combustible versus Firestormers: this will kill you very fast. I guess he'd better use it with his shining new Bern's Untouchable Mail :)

    Oh, I had two Sulfuric Staves - and that still wasn't enough: there are three groups of them, and each can have the armor. As for the difference, I should remind that I'm running 5 Savage Curses. Since the damned storges tend to group tightly, two Savaged Arcane Bursts for 8 damage each will make a big difference, I swear :)
  6. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Haha, OK. I see what you mean Ector.

    Although, sometimes I get Reliable Mail after taking lots of weak hits or I get Path of Knives attached... and then I regret the Steel Boots.
  7. El Hobbito

    El Hobbito Kobold

    I got few interesting things this week, no legendaries nor "must buy" items but still i have think about shopping list a bit. I have 3,8k in my pockets. Im thinking mostly about PvP, but i'm going to start -9lv challanges soon, so good tokenless things are always nice to have.

    Cohr's Black Scepter - for PvP i'm using Runestones atm, and i think this will be good upgrade, most likely i'll buy it.

    Flaming Sword - i'm not able with my items to make some decent Spear-warrior, this could be quite usefull for thise death matches... what you think?

    St. Amarack's Cudgel and Club Of Wrath - i'm thinking about it for pve chalanges, is war/war/priest a thing in -9lv one? I have one Club already, not sure if i should spend 500 just to try if they are usefull.

    Tempest Robes - i own one pair of them, but i'm starting to think about giving a shot to wizard party since i got 3 Red Flame and Searing Pain. Whirlwinds can be helpful there.

    Blackeye Hammer - have one, and i'm quite happy with it, both for pve and pvp and i think i could find a use for 2nd, but do you think they are worth 100g and token?
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    I like Kerrick's Steel Boots too. When I have the tokens, I prefer reliable mail over shimmering aura. (I'm talking about SP here) Reliable mail is just better at dropping incoming damage you'll be taking on the higher adventures IMO. You run these and firehide robes and it gives your mages 3 decent armor cards they can draw to reduce the damage they're taking.

    Now if you can upgrade to Quellic's Boots it's even better.
  9. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Imo skip those. Best tokenless item with MF is Shudering Relics. On low levels, you don't need any particulary good weapons, on higher levels, you can use your tokens on better weapons like St Olaf.

    edit: the blackeye Hammer is really great for drawback challenges if you still haven't completed all those.
  10. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    If you don't have a lot of Blazing Shortsword (or Shadow Spear), Flaming Sword is a good weapon for drawback challenges as well, although probably not the ones you are doing? My warrior has relied on Blazing Shortsword> (minortoken) Blackeye Hammer> (minortoken)(minortoken)Rageblood Dagger> (minortoken)(minortoken)Flaming Sword so far to clear all of the drawbacks up to level 13.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I have two but don't use them. Whirlwind requires a special party to be helpful: mostly two warriors with Nimble Strikes. If you don't have them, then the Whirlwind may be beneficial for your opponent.

    I have one, but played it only for the drawbacks quests.

    The Cudgel looks nice for a tokenless weapon, but not the Club.

    Holy crap! Man, I'd kill for these staves, and you're trying to play Whirlwinds with them??? All you need is good fire spells, armor melting and SPRs. An unfortunate Whirlwind can teleport the enemy warrior close to your wizard.

    Yes, it's good, and 100 gold isn't a sum you should worry about :) If you like any rare item in a shop, buy it.
  12. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Oh yeah, I have a ton of St. Amarack's Cudgel and Club Of Wrath (not to mention Vigun's Blessed Blade) so here is my two cents...

    If you are just starting farming but lack the necessary items for 3 wizards, having a priest with two St. Amarack's Cudgel is nice with Altruism (it does speed things up a bit) but not too different from Blessed Club. You really can't justify using the Cudgel for one Mass Frenzy though. It's not great.

    Instead, I find that Club of Wrath is a much better weapon for a priest going through the Campaign, unless you happen to be fighting slimes. Unholy Frenzy to buff your warrior, and Violent Overswing is often a OHK for the enemies who walk right into you.

    Of course, there are some comparable rare and common divine weapons...

    Long story short, when it comes to epic, tokenless priest weapons, yes they are useful for campaign, but if you have one or two already it's a waste of 500g, not to mention they can drop like crazy if you play certain levels repeatedly.

    And if you are using 3 wizards, I can understand the need for a panic button, but please don't use Whirlwind. At the very least, use spells that won't throw your own guys around like a derp. Try using Winds of War or Advanced Telekinesis (I recommend Cinnabar Ring).
  13. El Hobbito

    El Hobbito Kobold

    At now i'm using two builds - war/war/mage and priest/v-priest/war, but i'm experimenting with using mages since all good legendaries i get, are the mage ones, but still without great effect. In fact in my pvp teams i use only 1 non mage legendary while in my box i have hiden plenty of great mage items including Arcade's Amber Amulet, Larkin's Orb, Bewlin's Baffling Bauble, Brin's Storm Locket, Robes Of White Wylla, Searing Pain and 3 Red Flames and manny more. For other classes i have mb 3 playable items. But still while i'm trying to do something with more than one mage my ranking drops like fat beat in a club :/
    Bandreus likes this.
  14. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Wtf man, you probably have all the stuff needed in order to build the ultimate fire wiz. Paint me envious
  15. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I'm sure you could make a good 2-3 wizard control build El Hobbito. There are some successful damage builds out there too (Savage Burst for example).
    Back on topic... umm... I am still staring at Aork's Vial Of Memories and in the meantime I decided to buy my third Farzil's Perplexing Horn instead.
  16. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I don't like Aork's Vial Of Memories. The attacks you are most worried about are melee and you don't often see priests sandbagging magic. In order to get full value, the opposing wizard has to walk into your line of sight with 2 magic cards and that only happens in magical Christmasland.
  17. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Well, it really depends from the point of view. Priests sandbagging MF and/or Nimbus are very frequent in my experience, and disabling those could turn a tough match in an easier affair. The same goes with wizards and WWs, SPRs and all kind of assorted magic spells.

    That being said, you do have to know how to put those Forgetfulnesses to good use, and the fact you'll be able to get the most out of those is not a given for sure.

    Not claiming that's the best item in the whole game, but surely not as bad as you think either. It does have its uses.
    Squidy likes this.
  18. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    You need a terrible hand to consider holding on to a mass frenzy instead of casting it right away, especially if you built your deck to maximize your chances of drawing one.

    Nimbus is more likely to be held on to but I rarely see defensive nimbuses work out. The attacker is still going to be standing next to you, probably with priority and their 2 strongest attacks in hand.

    Discard is bad against whirlwind because they get to cast it before you get line of sight. It does go over the top of short perplexing ray but you still need to expose your wizard to their first magic attack and by that time they probably don't have 2 to discard.
  19. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    First why cast mass frenzy in the 1st round if its just going to be movement? If I see the enemies are coming to engage, my wars are going to be next to them with priority, or I plan to attack I'll cast it, otherwise I'd save to maximize its effectiveness to 2 rounds instead of 1. As far as building a deck to maximize frenzy draws yeah I see what your saying but lets see what the RNG gods have to say about drawing the perfect hand all the time..

    You might rarely see nimbus work out, but I see it all the time, not really sure here, plus there's all sorts of ways to gain priority or get away from the threat. Yes, also a war could be standing next to you the next round with obliterating bludgeons and all out attack, but cherry picking examples we can make any scenario possible. (now I cherry pick another and say my char drew 2 parrys thanks to being alive that round and cancels out the wars attacks ) If you're trying to argue nimbus is useless, well ok then I respectfully disagree.

    Many decent mages will be carrying flank moves, no need to wait around in front of the enemy mage to cast it. Also, there is no guarantee they have attacks or will use their whirl before you discard it. As far as exposing yourself to cast it.. well the same could be said of any other LOS spell in the game, maybe we should have our mages hide behind walls all game and only cast non-LOS spells (ok lots of ppl do in the form of whirls and fs, but just sayin..)

    Not trying to say Aork's Vial Of Memories is the best item in the game, because its not. But it could be a consideration for a player going against a mage-heavy meta though, and its plenty handy to work against priests, most ppl won't expect you to discard their priests spells. Plus its not just nimbus and frenzy, some more notable priest spells to discard include martyr's blessing, unholy wellspring, greater heal, etc.

    Comparing forgetfulness to counterspell, its more likely you'll be able to use it to actually discard and not lose it to a random block roll, but they both have their strengths.

    If I had one in randimars, I'd probably get it, but that also might be due to nothing worthwhile in randimars for nearly 2 months and plenty of gold on hand to spend
    Sir Veza likes this.
  20. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    You cast mass frenzy first round because you have 2 cards you don't want to discard. Not once did I say nimbus was useless. I only said it is not optimal on defense which is when you would save it. Besides greater heal, all those other spells are great examples of things you wouldn't save in hand.

    I'm not trying to pick a fight here. In order for me to consider running a situational item like this it needs to dominate the matchup it's good in or be somewhat useful most of the time. Forgetfulness is neither of those in my opinion and that is why I have a vial sitting in my storage. Even after that time 3 dwarf wizards beat me up for my lunch money.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014

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