[Random Suggestions] For future buffs to the less fortunate

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by epicEdub, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. epicEdub

    epicEdub Kobold

    Hey Hey, Just some random ideas on possible buffs to the Priests, Wizards and Humans

    I'm normally running around 1500-1600 and have broken 1700 only a few times. In my opinion, currently in higher-end MP, dwarfs and warriors still dominate, although there has been improvements to the elves. The list below are some random ideas to buff Priest, Wizards and Humans. The hope is to create more unique builds in the future.

    Priest ideas:
    #1 Divine weapon attack: Similar to the current Hemorrhage, but only just reduced healing by X for a duration. This affect, will also increase the damage of the Priest's touch and drain attacks by X.

    #2 Divine item: Team Block, the idea behind this is to counter cards targeting multiply allies. Attacks could be WW, WWE, FS, but also liner attacks and chops. BUT the priest must be one of the targets and allies within range (range of 6?). And will not trigger if no other allies are also targeted. Similar to Cause Fumble, but for your team.

    #3 New curses: Add some new curses besides Mind Worm and Bad Luck, cards similar to Dastardly Curse or Unholy Curse but with less damage or duration.

    Other curse ideas are
    • "Rigamortis", Target character is encumbered 1, increase encumberment by 1 at the start of the round. Duration 3. Range X
    • "Cool name here", Whenever target character would take damage, that character takes an additional X damage (possible only melee) for each card attached to target. Similar to Brainhook

    #4 New Auras: Trait or Buff?
    • Increase damage by X to all enemies within 2, duration 2
    • Increase armor by X to all allies within 2, duration 2
    • Increase movement by X to all allies starting their move within 2, duration 2
    • Decrease movement by 1 to all enemies within 2, duration 2
    • etc
    #5 New Divine Armor: Enchanted Divine Armor, adds 1 to all healing spells. Similar rarity to Enchanted Armor, but with lower armor stats.

    #6 New cards or rewording of Triple Heals and Twin Heals to allow them to stack once.

    Wizard ideas:

    #1 New 360 degree attacks, when things are close and personal! High damage or effect, but very low range.
    • "Force Bomb", Similar to other force/push cards, but 360 degrees.
    • "Arcane Bomb" Destroy all enemy controlled cards attached to adjacent enemies. X damage and range. Similar to Blizzard Breath
    • "Preplexing Bomb" All enemies within 2 discard 1 random card
    • "Stun Bomb" All adjacent enemies are stunned, duration 1
    • Fire, Electric, Cold Bomb, you get the idea. All enemies with in X, Burning, encumbered, etc
    #2"Arcane Implosion" X damage and range. Destroy all enemy controlled cards attached to target character.

    #3 New Teleport Self: "Wild Teleport" It is like a personal WW. Similar to Planar Travel but random. Rare card, only on a few robes and a pair of legendary boots called "Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers"

    #4 New Armors:
    • "Semi Resistant Hide" Similar to Resistant Hide, but chance to block magic damage, but higher armor value
    • "Barbed Wyrmhide" Similar to Barbed Platemail Armor X. If this Armor prevents damage from a Melee attack, the attacker takes 4 Piercing damage. This damage is Penetrating.

    #5 New Handicap card: Similar Arcane Curse that acts like Traveling Curse where it is shuffled in your opponent's deck and they have to discard their oldest card.

    Human idea:

    #1 New Human skills:

    One last random idea, Little League. League matches, on smaller maps with only 4 minor tokens. It would just be funny to see new builds.

    Welp, that's it. I hope these ideas get you thinking and we can come up with even more random ideas.

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