Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Dont combine MF and dwarfs though, thats cheap. Stinky dwarfs.

    It just occured to me that savage course would go nicely with a character stacking officers harnesses, Might give that a test run if the game ever comes back. So never.
    Fyra likes this.
  2. Fyra

    Fyra #1 in Spring PvP Season

    Leadership is also pretty nice when you have two extra officers. Gives you an advantage with two "extra card draws"!
  3. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I got a few on my priest who uses wavering faith (3), it takes some edge from the discard effect and is an effective addition to get rid of armor for my fire mage. Maybe i should have a look at other cards with the discard-conditon as well, but nothing comes to mind, except maybe attacks.
  4. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    It's been said before, but it bears saying again. Playing cards that give up card advantage when you could play other cards instead is pretty much always a bad idea. If you see an item in randimars with Rusty Armor, Wavering Faith, Violent Overswing, or Lateral Thinking, it's probably not worth it. Leadership is a weird special case, but the deck has to really demand leadership for it to be worthwhile.
    Flaxative, Ector and Sir Veza like this.
  5. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I just have to say, I agree wholesomely on the validity of Shimmering Aura- I strongly dislike the card, except in the SP levels like Demon Portals or for a Firestorm support. But in general, it's useless.

    Cards with a discard effect are quite interesting. It's important to remember that if you can discard a junk card (like Unreliable Block or Rusty Armor) and draw something new out of it, it can actually be worth it. Granted, you are relying on other cards like Officer's Harness (which requires that you pass with extra cards to begin with) or discarding dead draws (like Walk/Run/Dash when you can't move, or bad cards like Shimmering Aura or Weak Parry in certain situations) in order to break even, so to speak.

    I do like Leadership but it's not useful in a lot of situations.
  6. Sorreah

    Sorreah Kobold

    There is a Staff of Wym for sale for 2500. Given what people say about fire storm builds, I take it I should get this. but it seems I make anywhere from 75-125 gold an hour, so it would take awhile to get. should I really hunker down and make sure I get this wand, and just to confirm cus its not right in front of me, I have until sunday to get the 2500?
  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Wym's Lavastaff? Heck yeah you should buy it if you can...
    Sorry, but if you are making 75-125 gold per hour, you're doing it wrong.
    And you have until Saturday - up until the reset for sunday.
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Wym's Lavastaff is definitely worth it. Grinding the level 6 kobold mines is the fastest way to get gold because the treasure drop rate is significantly higher. Play 2 maps of one, leave, play 2 maps of the other, repeat. If you can clear them quickly you should average about 300 gold per hour. Getting the lavastaff will enable you to clear them more quickly.
    WARNING! - Use extreme caution, moderation, good armor, nimbus, and/or healing if you use elves to firestorm.
    Sorreah likes this.
  9. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Consider that after you have the staff it will be much easier for you to make much more gold an hour making future purchases easier. It will also make it much faster for you to simply complete many mid level adventures. It's an investment, but one that would pay off quickly.
  10. Sorreah

    Sorreah Kobold

    ok, so grind out a level 6. the irony is I need the staff to make it faster, but I am grinding it to get the staff XD ahhh, catch 22's how I love you~ okay, I will work on getting that wym then I did actually make a set of characters for all races 1/1/1 it really makes me sad my dwarf wizard at level 5 has more HP than my elf wizard at level 14... I knew the hp was lopsided, I just didn't realize how lopsided Q_Q I'll go look at farming builds that might speed up that level, cus as it is, it takes me awhile to win
    Sir Veza likes this.
  11. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    You have a few days left, so just level up a team in the next days which is up to the task for Diamonds of the Kobolds. Like 3 wizards 2 wizards and 1 cleric, dwarfs of course. Get them all to at least level 8, that way they will have the maximum amount of hp and token. Put as many lava and firestorm items on them you have. It will be smoother in a few days than to do it with a suboptimal team now.
    If you need further information, please open a thread in the deck section to keep this thread clean.
  12. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Ok, so my Legendary items vary, I think, in goodness. I've ranked them in order to what I think is most useful, but again, I don't have enough gold to get one.

    Azgul's Orb This is the one I'd buy. Tokenless double Firestorm
    Garalem's Boots The double Flanking Move is nice, but I don't know about spending 2500g on boots.
    The Perforator For some reason I can't get excited about this weapon.

    I do have a few Rares that I'd like to get opinions on. I can definitely afford some of these. I don't own any of them.
    Perfect Command With the team movement and Flanking Move, even for a major token, this seems like a no brainer.
    Advanced Ferocity Looks interesting.
    Orange Staff Instant Burn looks like it could be fun. I don't have a FS team, but I can see getting this until I get something better with Instant Burn.
    Dashing Boots Ho hum? Or would it be good to super up a Dwarf?
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Azgul's is good but pricy, (buy it) Garalem's Boots are pricy and unnecessary for you (See Mouse Boots/ Red Jon's Boots), (I do use both of my Garalem's Boots for the Wild Run), Perforator is funny and kind of useless (Woodhome's Wound/Piercing Pick are just as good)

    Perfect Command and Advanced Ferocity are worth having, especially Perfect Command, probably the best human skill. It's good for both SP and MP. Advanced Ferocity is nice in SP until you get Raging Rock or Apprentice Ferocity, otherwise it's a good source of Battlecry.

    As for Orange Staff, you have the right idea. Dashing Boots I would pass on, lots of other stuff like Off-balance Boots or Chestnut Boots that I prefer.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Sir Veza and hatchhermit like this.
  14. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Azgul's Orb If you ever intend to farm, try to figure out how to get this one - you'll want it (I want it!).
    Perfect Command The only other item that I'd really be going after.
    Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  15. Sorreah

    Sorreah Kobold

    I actually have the orb, its pretty spiffy Thanks to Sir Veza's advice, I am getting gold and good items at a great rate now between the kobold and wizard workshop. off topic a bit, but the wizard workshop is amazing for drops as well, I got 6 vampire's blades and a few weird epics. (got the orb this way too)

    OT: since I bought wym's staff, now there are three other legendary items and three epics. They are: Fulg's Cleansing Pot, Hawlic's Robe, St. Gwendolyn's Armor, St. Glist's Charm, Trained Toughness and Untouchable Plate. which of these if any should I focus on getting? or should I save gold for another batch? none of these items seem all that amazing to me, but I do kinda want the cleansing pot, if for no other reason then to beat the snot out of geomancer levels (also occasional acid heavy levels)
    Sir Veza likes this.
  16. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Hawlic's Robes with an s, were kind of nice for the Elder Mind missions since the Harnesses increase the die roll in your favor... but totally unnecessary. Even better is Meztis Wyrmhide Robes + Absolem's Leather Shoes or any other boot with 2X Harness to boost your roll... but still, as much fun as it is to stick Mental Flensing or Mind Munch to your opponent it's just not necessary.

    Similarily, as interesting as Fulg's Cleansing Pot is, for 2500g you could buy a plethora of epic items with Cleansing Ray... like Cleansing Diamond, Noral's Cleansing Relic, anything else with Cleansing Burst... not to mention other better things! You can pass on it.

    St. Gwendolyn's Armor combines 3 really iffy rare cards... Mind Worm, Soothing Darkness and Shimmering Aura. There is better stuff out there IMO.

    Trained Toughness is a weird epic item... but the rule of thumb is, if it has Toughened Hide Strips on it it's usually bad.
    If for some reason you need a racial skill with Chain Harness on it though, this is the item you want.

    Untouchable Plate, on the other hand is a good purchase if you don't have any Arrogant Armor items for your priest.
    Sorreah likes this.
  17. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Thanks guys, I may have the time to get the Orb. I'll go for it! :)
    Sir Veza likes this.
  18. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I'm not sure about the Pot, others can probably answer this better.

    That said, I think the Untouchable Plate is worth a look. It's arguably the best way to get Arrogant Armor for your Priest. Oddly enough Holy Knight Armor is the same. I'd buy it if I didn't have other divine armor that already has Arrogant Armor.
    Sorreah likes this.
  19. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Azgul's Orb :rolleyes:

    Regarding the Orange Staff: I have it, and love it. It's definitely worth experimenting with if you fancy the idea of a fire build. Do keep in mind one important point though. Instant Burn only affects the hattachments from the same wizard. I.e. you can't (say) cast Firestorm with one of your guys, then activate the attachment by having a second wizard cast Instant Burn.
  20. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Yeah, the armour is great. Holy Knight Armor is the same because it's one of the special holiday items. They have always been duplicates of some other item but with a different, holiday-themed graphic. You can't currently get it, maybe again next Christmas?

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