SPOILER - Black Plume Mountain 1HP quest

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by Squidy, May 20, 2014.

  1. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Solving the quest puzzles is a nice thing to do. If you really can't find a way to beat the dragon by yourself, here is the one I found. But I can only suggest you to try by yourself first.

    Battle one: Firestorm team with anti-armors and some freezing staves to chill the kind of bulls. It's suggested to resign and retry till you get at least one Resistant Hide in the starting hands. It's free and saves time.

    Battle two: same team (note I use 3 humans with both Leadership x2 to find the hides faster).

    Final Battle:

    The Team:

    Level 20 Human Wizard

    Level 20 Human Wizard

    Level 20 Human Wizard

    Staff of winter to slow the Blackhammer
    Electrum staff for the 3 penetrating bolts
    All the wall of stones you can for the arcane slots
    Cantrip moves on the shoes in case you need to get back the priority to put back a wall before the dragon acts
    Traits on the robe for cycling
    Leaderships for racial helps always having what you need (walls, damages, else)
    3 traits for the arcane skills


    -I stopped recording caus I think that was enough. Just keep doing the same things.
    -I turned off the auto tageting to make sure that he couldn't block. Indeed, if he reflects the damages of your mage that would be lethal for him. The "can't block" didn't display at first, that confused me and I didn't start attacking when I could have.
    -You can also lay some Fire Walls under his fat ass when he doesn't have hover. Failed to do it once during the video, saw it 2 seconds too late. This doesn't trigger the blocks.
    -The Dragon does sometimes random stuff, he chose to do it a lot during the recording :/ (egs: keep passing at some point, going always on the right side but when I did it the first time he always went one time right, one time left, one time right and so on. Dealing with this randomness is annoying but you have no other choice)
    -When I did it the first time, my build was way more random. And this one can still be improved. I knew the way to do it, I just didn't come back with the perfect build the second time because of the lack of testing.
    -Most important was to find the right spots for my guys and the walls. There are probably other ways to kill it (like punising bolt may work). You just can't use anything with range 6 or less (that's the max range of the dragon).
    -As the Puppetmastaz would say: "you think the bigger the better but we've got time forever".
    Pawndawan, Stexe, Finial and 3 others like this.
  2. GayGoatGuy

    GayGoatGuy Kobold

    Nice Strategy, i tried to win the quest with Impenetratable Nimbus and all out attack, but the Dragon has this ice breath that removes the spells.
  3. GayGoatGuy

    GayGoatGuy Kobold

    But at least its good to do the quest quick for items & level up. Overkill.png
  4. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    It's the 2nd battle I hate in that adventure. Takes long.
  5. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Thanks for the build and the guide, Squidy! With their help I was able to beat the Black Plume Mountain 1 HP quest, and I've never before played any 1 HP quests over level 6! Based on this I'd claim anyone with the required items and a lot of patience can do it.

    I only had one human wizard at level 20 so I had to first buy two level 10 ones and raise their level. I got them to level 18 and decided to try it with them. This meant I had to leave one Wall Of Stone item out from their inventory because there are no tokenless Arcane Items with Wall of Stone and not being level 19 or 20 I had one less power token. I used a tokenless Hot Spot item, which proved to be useless as its range is only 6. I still didn't run out of Wall of Stone during play. A couple times my starting hand had none, though.

    I happen to own three Heartrippers (6x Punishing Bolt staff) so I used one on each wizard instead of an Electrum Staff. This speeded up the playing of the quest as I usually did about 8 damage with it instead of the 3 from the Penetrating Bolt. Once I did zero damage when the dragon had three Alabaster Wyrmhides on (Armor 4 on 2+) but then a couple of times I did 12 damage.

    I kept two wizards one step removed from the lower left wall instead of only one as this way they both were ready to hit the dragon with a bolt when the opportunity was there (only one per round, can't hit with both as the dragon might reflect block the second one). I didn't always have a bolt ready on both of them so keeping them both at the ready position meant I had no need to move them around. It's possible to keep shuffling the wizard with a bolt into position but it's just extra work.

    It was very important to always have one cantrip move in hand in case the dragon decided to pass when it was next to the Wall of Stone when it would expire the next turn. I lost the quest several times before I finally learned this and also managed to notice all the times the dragon passed.

    I tried to use Wall of Fire when the dragon was farthest away but I learned it disrupted the movement pattern of the dragon and led to a defeat so I stopped using it.

    Feels good having done it!

    Squidy and Sir Veza like this.
  6. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra



    If anyone need some tips for the others quests, lemme know.
    neoncat, Pengw1n, Stexe and 3 others like this.
  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    That's awesome, Squidy!
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Gratz on completing all the challenges!
  9. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Wow, congrats. I knew it had to do with Wall of Stone and FS + Res Hide (from my experience doing the level 17 1-hp challenges) but I never even thought to attempt it. Didn't think about going Human for cycling -- that makes sense.

    How much more does being Human help? I've used Dwarves for Toughness cycling (and in case I don't get a Res Hide or Wall of Stone).
  10. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    You can't go FS against the dragon. Well maybe you can but seems very hard to me to have in the decks enough boiling armors, war cries (if boiling armor is reflected it's goodbye to your res hide), FS, Wall of stones and things to kill the blackhammer. And for the 1HP challenge it seems even worse as you can't use boiling armor with its range of 6, only Dissolve Armor and you'll need several as the dragon usualy have several armor cards.

    Otherwise best farming FS team I think is 3 dwarf wizzs with each 2 Wym's Lavastaff, 4 Chartwell's Rings, Firehide Robes, Kerrick's Steel Boots, Raging Battler and Electroporter Novice (or maybe Focused Pyromancy).

    Now for the poors like me with no lavastaff or double FS arcane items, the Leaderships are very helpful. It allows to cycle all those bad cards that come with the tokenless arcane items with a single FS to get what you need the most: FS and armors.
    Having triple Advanced Flexibility kinda reduces the deck of each wizzs by 8 cards. A single Leadership can turns a bad starting hand into a good one.

    edit: forgot to say thanks everyone =^_^=
    Stexe likes this.
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Would level 4 wizards work better for the 1 HP quests? You lose the racial slot, but you get much more focus in the rest of the deck.
  12. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    You also lose all the tokens ^^' And no token, no Wall of Stones and other nice things.
    Stexe likes this.
  13. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    I have thought about something to speed up the second battle. Volcano!
    Cast it on the first turn, and two turns after there is no more totems. Also if you cast it on the first turn, you'll be able to move your guys out of the lava because the bulls will be too far to annoy you with Maze of the Mind.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  14. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Yeah, that's what I use and I've beaten the level without getting hit once. Although I wasn't doing a 1 HP Challenge at the time.
  15. Karstedt

    Karstedt Goblin Champion

    How about the other other 2 lv18 1hp? The elder mind with it's hit everyone every turn and the stourge nest have prevented me from even trying yet...
  16. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Elder mind is as *****y as Return to astral shrine. One priest with as many Impenetrable Nimbus as one can hold, two FS wizz and some luck.
    I have tried in the first time without any attachment and all the armors I could but it just didn't do it. But maybe I just wasn't lucky enough with the armors drawing.

    As for the stourges, the classic FS + walls of stone with a bit of wwe did the trick. Yes the stourges have Res Hide but they easily discard them by themselves.
    Sir Veza and Stexe like this.
  17. Karstedt

    Karstedt Goblin Champion

    I'll add that perplexing rays are good if you are sniping blitzkenbutthole. Basically you can use them to pull blocks and if he's out you can unload any extra attacks you have. I got him with 5 penetrating bolts in one turn...

    I think the arcane robes that add 2 damage might be worthwhile. I get the choice for lightness, but with enough stone and all three leadership I didn't really have and trouble keeping enough walls in hand. It's probably worth giving one of the wizards the damage boost anyway.
    Sir Veza and Stexe like this.
  18. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    I had to cheat and use the video to get the positioning right. Thanks @Squidy!

    The chest dropped a Reap The Whirlwind, which is better than I got for all the Troll Tyrant quests... (*grumble* stupid troll *grumble* :D)
    Squidy likes this.
  19. GayGoatGuy

    GayGoatGuy Kobold

    Actually im trying to do the last level of The Troll Tyrant, could someone give me a hint, how to manage it?
  20. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    With 1hp?
    3 wizz FS + Wall of Stones + a little bit of wwe worked for me.

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